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Connect the USB cable to the PC and verify the correct installation.
Some software require that the COM door number would be in the range from 1
to 9, if the PC assigns to the door and higher number, it is necessary to reassign
it manually as follows:
1) Right click on
"USB Serial Port"
and click on “
2) Click on
"Port settings",
then click on
3) In the window
"Advanced Settings"
set the
"COM Door Number"
on the lower number (from 1 to 9) among
the doors that aren’t already in use, then click
Note: the visualized value in the window "Device Management" is still the one previously shown, the right
number will be visualized closing and opening again this window.
Remember the COM port number, it will have to be used to set
the right COM number in the applications.
(Take care: the software Digifly AirTools and the software Digifly
for the firmware upgrade are automatically detected from the
COM port, so, they do not need this setting).
To connect the Digifly AIR Pro Bt and your device (PC, MAC, smartphone, Tablet or PDA) proceed as follows:
Set on the AIR Pro Bt the parameter (ADVANCED SETUP \ n. 25 BLUT = "ON").
For the AIR Pro BT, enter in the menu “Bluetooth Pairing” and wait.
In your device, (PC, MAC etc…) start a research for new Bluetooth devices, the AIR Pro Bt will be recognized as
Digifly AIR BT
" .
In your device, when requested, enter the code for the pairing of the AIR Pro BT, it is “0000”.
At this point, AIR Pro BT emits a sound to request a confirmation pressing the key “OK”, then exit from the
menu, the connection is now active.
If necessary
create on your device a connection type Serial Port (SPP) to dialogue with the AIR Pro BT, be sure
to select also the correct COM port number.
To guarantee the use easiness, if the device allows it, create an association among your device and the AIR
Pro Bt, of “authorized” type, so, the Bluetooth connection will be automatically activated every time the two
devices will be turned on.
During the next connections among the AIR Pro BT and your device, normally, the acknowledgement
procedure above described will be no more necessary.
When the Bluetooth connection is OK, the Bluetooth icon in the AIR Pro BT status bar, is fixed turned on, not