DiBO 40
Antifreeze is an additive which may absolutely not been drained/
discharged without permission. You have to collect the outlet
antifreeze water in a reservoir. This is also the case when
you use the cleaner once more, the antifreeze water which
has been left in the cleaner will then flow through. Please do
always take into account the matching security measures.
Tip: You can use the collected water with antifreeze several times!
At starting the cleaner again:
• Fill the tank with water and start the cleaner.
• Capture the antifreeze till water flows out of the spray gun (see below).
2 O P T I O N : F I L L I N G K I T A N T I F R E E Z E ( S E E P H O T O B E L O W - 1 . 2 3 0 .1 0 0 / 1 0 1 / 1 0 2 )
First loosen the basket from the water filter. Connect the filling set antifreeze to
the low pressure hose and to the high pressure hose (closed circuit). Put the
cleaner on idle speed and operate the spray gun. Keep the spray gun pressed
till the water flows out of the low pressure hose and there is filled with
antifreeze till the water filter. Turn the basket back on the filter and then push
again on the spray gun. Hold the spray gun until also the water filter (note the
color of antifreeze in the water filter) is filled with antifreeze (+- 20 litres). Turn off
the cleaner and disconnect the antifreeze filling set of the hoses. The low
pressure side is now also filled with antifreeze.