Customer Documentation DEV 5071
Copyright DEV Systemtechnik GmbH 2007-2017
In idle state (all power supply modules are turned off via software control,
i.e. no power supply module is delivering any output voltage, but all AC
connections being established) the AC LEDs of all installed power supply
modules are turned on.
CPU Module
The CPU module is located at the rear side of the DEV 5071 and manages
the surveillance and control functionality.
E th e rn e t
R S 2 3 2
R e s e t
"Ethernet" connector (5):
This interface is used for the communication via Web Interface or via
SNMP. Please refer to chapter 4.4.2 for the configuration of the interface.
"RS 232" connector (4):
The serial interface can be used for changing the network setup
"Reset" button (6):
The reset push button of the CPU module can be used to reboot the
device, by pressing and holding the reset button (e.g. by using a ballpoint
pen) for approximately three seconds. For more information on this
subject, please refer to chapter 4.2.4.