Customer Documentation DEV 5071
Copyright DEV Systemtechnik GmbH 2007-2017
The product is delivered with the factory settings as described in the
following. Please refer to chapter to re-apply these settings.
Factory Settings for the Power Supply and Limits Information
There are available factory settings that apply to the (whole) DEV 5071 and
factory settings that apply to the single power supply modules:
Output voltage:
48.0 V
Output current limit (module):
41.0 A
Output current limit (device):
20.0 A (per module)
The output voltage can be altered via Web Interface for the DEV 5071
(please refer to chapter and via SNMP (chapter for each
installed power supply module. Note, that changing the output voltage of a
single power supply module via SNMP affects implicitly the output voltage
setting of the other installed power supply modules!
The output current limit for each power supply module can be changed via
SNMP (chapter and the output current limit of the DEV 5071 can
be changed via Web Interface (chapter The default setting for the
output current limit of the device depends on the number of installed power
supply modules. Note, that this limit is only used as a warning, if the total
measured current exceeds the value, but does not physically affect the
output current limits of the single power supply modules.
There are limits for each power supply module, which need to be considered:
The output power depends on the AC input voltage. A module delivers up
to 1200
W if supplied with 100…120 V AC and is capable to deliver
W if supplied with 200…240 V AC.
The output voltage of a power supply module (thus of the DEV 5071) can
be adjusted between 44.2 V and 58.0 V.
The output current limit of a power supply module can be adjusted
between 10.0 A and 45.2 A.
Note, that it is possible to alter output voltage and output current to values,
which may exceed the capabilities of the power supply module and of the
DEV 5071! Since the firmware does not always restrict the input set values,
consider the conditions regarding AC input voltage, DC output voltage, and
the number of installed power supplies! The following table may help if it is
intended to alter the factory default values for the output current limit of a
power supply module (via SNMP) and/or of the device (via Web Interface).
AC input voltage range
(module output power)
DC output
per module or
with 1 module
2 modules
3 modules
4 modules
Minimum current limits:
10.0 A
20.0 A
30.0 A
40.0 A
Maximum current limits:
200…240 V AC (2000 W)
44.2 V
45.2 A
90.5 A
135.7 A
181.0 A
200…240 V AC (2000 W)
58.0 V
34.5 A
69.0 A
103.4 A
137.9 A
100…120 V AC (1200 W)
44.2 V
27.1 A
54.3 A
81.4 A
108.6 A
100…120 V AC (1200 W)
58.0 V
20.7 A
41.4 A
62.1 A
82.8 A