UPDATE : 21/02/2014
This notice must be translated, by the retailer, into the language of the country of use.
For your safety, comply strictly with the instructions for use, verification, maintenance and storage.
cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect accident occurring as a result of use other than provided for in this notice; do
not use this equipment beyond its capabilities!
A fall arrest system on cable, in order to be complete, has to include at least : an upper anchor point, complying with EN795 standard, an
intermediate binding if the length of the cable is higher than 8 meters, a lower fixing bracket with cable tightness system, an anchorage line (cable),
and the ASCAB (II or III) fall arrester.
According to the structure (pylon,...) we can install different bindings (upper, intermediate and lower) in accordance with the drawings hereunder :
’s upper anchor points have been designed in order to resist to a person’s fall. Whatever the installed upper anchor
point is, it has to be located above the user and the structure must have a minimum resistance of 15 kN at the anchor point in the direction where
the force is susceptible to be applied in service
’s upper anchor points have been tested and comply with NF EN795 A1 class : 1996 Standard requirements.
We remind you that the upper anchor and its binding have a determining part should a fall occur, and that a special care is required
when they are installed.
1.1-Upper anchor point “bracket” type:
Required tools
: 2 “24” keys. One of them must have an eye or must be opening
: Ensure that the structure can support the required load : 15 kN
Put off the nut and the rod’s washer Rep 2,
Prepare the rod’s screwing Rep 1 according to the structure’s dimension,
Assemble the set being careful to place the anchor ring down, vertical rods,
the rod Rep 2 must be located in the first free holes of the plate, at the nearest of the structure,
Bring the nut in contact against the plate,
Move the set in order to put the upper point lined up with (possible) intermediate bindings
and lower bindings
Grip the nuts being careful that the plates are applied to the structure and that they are parallel.
End the tightening by half-turns simultaneously on each nut.
2.5 daN/m, as an example, we need 1.6 daN/m for overcoming the braking nut/screw ‘s friction. Be careful ! An excessive tightening
can bring the plates’distortion. The installation of such a set does not demand a tightening with a torque wrench.
The nut on Rep 2 and the ring on the rod Rep 1 are screwed and sticked by driving in the nut and the screw . These rods of constant lengths are
designed to accept different sections brackets.
1.2- Upper anchor point “paw” type:
Required tools
: “13” key.
: Ensure that the structure can support the required load : 15 kN,
In accordance with the structure (drawing A, B, C, D, E) screws and (possible) accessories
have been supplied to install the upper part according to one of the 5 cases. The anchor ring
is assembled on the upper part,
Prepare the upper part on the upright, being careful to place down the anchor ring in a vertical
Set up the upper part with braking nuts and M8 washers,
Check that the upper part is lined up with (possible) intermediate bindings and the lower part
The installation of such a set does not demand a tightening with a torque wrench. The supplied screws and
(possible) accessories have been studied to fit to your case, should you have any doubt about the installation, contact us !
1.3-The anchorage line :
It is the galvanised or stainless steel cable 8 mm diameter, with a resistance higher than 12 kN. It is supplied prepared (thimble and muff), marked
(cable length), and with a karabiner. It has to go through the anchor ring that is on the upper anchor point,
do not forget to srew the karabiner !
The connection between the upper anchor point and the anchorage line has an essential part should a fall occur, a particular attention
has to be brought.
The aim of these intermediate parts is to guide the cable along the structure by a nylon wheel (figure 1) or a rubber tip (figure 2). As the cable is
maintained, the cable does not damage the structure and vice versa. They must be installed about each 8 meters.
Required tools
: “13” key
: In accordance with the structure (A, B, C, D, E), screws and (possible) accessories have been
supplied to install the upper part according to one of the 5 cases
The nylon wheel, or the rubber tip are mounted on the intermediate part,
Prepare the intermediate part on the upright being careful to line up the intermediate binding and the upper binding,
Set up the intermediate part with the braking nut and M8 washers
The installation of such a set does not demand a tightening with a torque wrench. The supplied screws and (possible) accessories have been
studied to fit to your case, should you have any doubt about the installation, contact us !
The aim of the lower parts is to install a system that enables to put a “tension” on the cable by a spring (figure 2 and 3) to obtain a rigid system
Screwed and
sticked nut
& ring
Figure 1
Figure 2