eZNT-Wi Programmable Wi-Fi Thermostat Application Guide
Edition 1.4
Page 79 of 126
A list of supported and unsupported GCL+ functions and statements for the
enteliZONE programmable thermostats is recorded in KBA2137: GCL
Accessible Object Properties and Supported Functions in eZONE Controllers
on the Delta TS Support web site.
The ORCAview and enteliWEB GCL editors are unaware of these enteliZONE eZNx
product GCL limitations, so using an unsupported function in an enteliZONE
programmable controller does not produce a syntax error in these GCL editors.
Object Restriction Settings (ORS)
The Object Restriction Settings (ORS) object allows the user to limit which database
objects can be viewed and edited. This is useful for hiding configuration settings
which are not used in day-to-day operation, to ensure a user cannot inadvertently
change the configuration after initial system commissioning. The enteliZONE
thermostats support permission options of visible, read and write. However, the
enteliZONE thermostats do not support create or delete permissions. enteliZONE
thermostats also do not support multiple ORS objects with temporary unlock
ORS security is turned on and off by locking and unlocking the controller. The ORS is
unlocked in the default database configuration. It must be unlocked in order to
configure the thermostat. If the thermostat is in a locked state, a message is
displayed asking the user to unlock the device.
To unlock the thermostat in ORCAview:
1. In the Navigator tree, right-click on the enteliZONE controller and point to
Object Security and then click Unlock.
2. Enter the unlock username and password. The default username is DELTA and
the password is login.
ORS usage on the enteliZONE thermostat does not allow *.* wildcards, but requires
that you specify the object. The enteliZONE ORS supports three levels: Visible,
Visible/Read and Visible/Read/Write even though ORCAview/ enteliWEB may allow
selecting of other combinations.
ORS Troubleshooting
If the thermostat time does not match the OWS time, the controller cannot be
unlocked. To update the thermostat time in ORCAview, on the Tools Menu, click Set
Controller Time. See also the
enteliZONE Thermostat Time Synchronization
Without the correct username and password there is no way to unlock the
thermostat. If the correct username and password is unavailable, reload a copy of