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Instruments storage conditions:
Temperature: -40...+70
Humidity: less than 90
%RH no condensation.
In storage, avoid places where:
humidity is high;
instruments are exposed to direct sun radiation;
instruments are exposed to a high temperature source;
high vibration levels are present;
there are vapor, salt and/or corrosive gas.
General safety instructions
These instruments have been manufactured and tested in accordance with EN61010-1 safety
directives for electronic measuring instruments and have left the factory in perfect safety tech-
nical conditions.
The instruments proper operation and operating safety can be ensured only if all standard
safety measures as well as the specific measures described in this manual are followed.
The instruments proper operation and operating safety can be ensured only in the climatic
conditions specified in this manual.
Do not use the instruments in places where there are:
Rapid ambient temperature variations that may cause condensation.
Corrosive or flammable gases.
Direct vibrations or shocks to the instrument.
High-intensity electromagnetic fields, static electricity.
If the instruments are moved from a cold place to a hot one, or vice versa, condensation for-
mation can cause their malfunction. In this case, you will have to wait for the instruments
temperature to reach ambient temperature before turning the instruments on.
User obligations
The instruments operator shall follow the directives and regulations below that refer to the
treatment of dangerous materials:
EEC directives on workplace safety
National low regulations on workplace safety
Accident prevention regulations