6. It is necessary to read the parameters from the device to the computer after changing the scale (1/1, 1/10
or 1/100) settings. This is in order to refresh the parameter list so the alarm settings present the correct value.
7. After reading the parameters, the alarm has been scaled so it needs to be adjusted (0-5 in this example),
and this is also a scaling of the value on the display.
The display will now show the scaled value of multi-input 6.
In the example shown above, the value can be adjusted with two decimals. If the parameters were not re-
freshed, it would still only be possible to adjust the setpoint without decimals.
Save the parameter file:
After having set up the 4-20 mA inputs (HW as well as alarms), the parameter file should be uploaded from
the device to the PC and then saved. In this way, the settings will not be modified again if the parameters are
reloaded to the device.
7.20.11 Binary
If the multi-inputs are configured to "Binary", they become available as binary inputs.
7.21 Input function selection
Digital input alarms can be configured with a possibility to select when the alarms are to be activated. The
possible selections of the input function are normally open or normally closed.
The drawing below illustrates a digital input used as an alarm input.
1. Digital input alarm configured to NC, normally closed
This will initiate an alarm when the signal on the digital input disappears.
2. Digital input alarm configured to NO, normally open
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Additional functions
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