26. MB close inhibit
When this input is activated, then the mains breaker cannot close.
27 Enable mode shift
The input activates the mode shift function, and the controller will perform the AMF sequence in case of a
mains failure. When the input is configured, the setting in menu 7081 (mode shift ON/OFF) is disregarded.
28. Start enable
The input must be activated to be able to start the engine.
When the genset is started, the input can be removed.
29. Alternative start
This input is used to simulate an AMF failure and this way run a full AMF sequence without a mains failure
actually being present.
30. Switchboard error
The input combined with Parrallel ON, parameter 6502, will block the genset from start. Parameter 6500 ena-
bles the alarm. It is also possible to have the genset act on the input under running conditions with Stop swbd
error, parameter 6510. Parrallel ON needs to be on to get Stop swbd error active.
31. Total test
This input will be logged in the event log to indicate that a planned mains failure has been made.
32. GB spring loaded
The controller will not send a close signal before this feedback is present.
33. MB spring loaded
The controller will not send a close signal before this feedback is present.
34. Inhibit EI alarms
When this input is active, it will inhibit all engine interface alarms.
The input functions are set up with the PC utility software, please refer to "Help" in this.
7.19 Outputs
The unit has a number of output functions which can be configured to any available relay.
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Additional functions
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