7.2 Phase sequence error
7.2.1 Description of phase sequence error
Prior to closing a breaker, the unit checks that the phase sequence is correct, depending on the chosen
phase direction in parameter 2154: "phase rotation". If it is incorrect (reversed), an alarm will be issued, and
the breaker in question will not be closed.
7.3 Breaker types
7.3.1 Breaker types
There are five possible selections for the setting of breaker type for both mains breaker and generator break-
er. The breaker type is selected in the application configuration.
Continuous NE and Continuous ND
This type of signal is most often used combined with a contactor. When using this type of signal, the control-
ler will only use the close breaker(e.g. GB On) relays. The relay will be closed for closing of the contactor and
will be opened for opening of the contactor. Continuous NE is a normally energised signal, and continuous
ND is a normally deenergised signal.
This type of signal is most often used combined with circuit breaker. With the setting pulse, the controller will
use the close command(e.g. GB On) and the open command relay (e.g. GB Off). The close breaker relay will
close for a short time for closing of the circuit breaker. The open breaker relay will close for a short time for
opening of the breaker.
This type of signal will most often be used combined with a compact breaker, a direct controlled motor-driven
breaker. With the setting compact, the controller will need to use both a close command(e.g. GB On) and a
open command relay(e.g. GB Off). The close breaker relay will close for a short time for the compact breaker
to close. The breaker off relay will close for the compact breaker to open and hold it closed long enough for
the motor in the breaker to recharge the breaker. If the compact breaker is tripped externally, it is recharged
automatically before next closing.
If compact breaker is selected, the length of breaker open signal can be adjusted. This can be
done in menu 2160/2200 (GB open fail and MB open fail).
7.4 Breaker spring load time
To avoid breaker close failures in situations where breaker ON command is given before the breaker spring
has been loaded, the spring load time can be adjusted for GB/TB and MB.
The following describes a situation where you risk getting a close failure:
1. The genset is in auto mode, the auto start/stop input is active, the genset is running and the GB is closed.
2. The auto start/stop input is deactivated, the stop sequence is executed and the GB is opened.
3. If the auto start/stop input is activated again before the stop sequence is finished, the GB will give a GB
close failure as the GB needs time to load the spring before it is ready to close.
Different breaker types are used, and therefore there are two available solutions:
1. Timer-controlled
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