The guarantee refers to a dry stove type .................................
with serial number ............................. (the subject of agreement -
dry stove) under the condition that the product has been fully paid.
Due to suitable, proven and unified standards of sales the war-
ranty covers only product purchased in authorized points of sales
of the Guarantor or from authorized distributors. Full list of author-
ized companies is available on the website www.defro.pl.
When the whole price will be paid and the product will be issued
to the user also the warranty card will be issued. In the warranty
card is missing the Purchaser should immediately contact with
the Seller to obtain this document, while its lack has no influence
on validity and period of the warranty given based on this state-
ment, but it can have an influence on correct, timely processing
of obligations resulting from this warranty by the Guarantor.
To allow Guarantor efficient operation the Purchaser should im-
mediately after issuance of the product, send back a copy of cor-
rectly completed Warranty Card to the address of the Guarantor
(Ruda Strawczy
ska 103a, 26-067 Strawczyn). Correctly filled
Warranty Card has a date, stamp and signatures in designated
The Purchaser receives Warranty Terms and Conditions, War-
ranty Card as well as Operating Manual containing conditions for
boiler's usage, installation guide and parameters regarding the
chimney, fuel and boiler water.
The Guarantor guarantees that the equipment works correctly
provided that all conditions specified in the Operating Manual
have been met, especially with respect to parameters applying to
fuel, connection to the chimney system. The warranty covers the
product used in compliance with its intended use and information
provided in the service manual. The guarantor is not responsible
for the effect of normal wear and tear of the product which is con-
nected with operation.
The warranty authorizations period commences on the date of is-
suance of the product to the Purchaser and equals:
2 years for the correct operation of the equipment,
2 years for claddings made of heat-resisting concrete -
Ceramiton, while the warranty does not cover discoloura-
tions, change of cladding colour, or degradation of the top
layer of the coating.
1 year for the grate, deflector and gaskets of the fireplace,
elements subject to wear-out are not covered by the War-
ranty; these include: ceramic hardened glass, screws, nuts,
handles etc.
The Warranty is valid in the Republic of Poland.
During the warranty period, the Guarantor ensures free-of-charge
repairs of any physical defects of the product within the period of:
14 days after the fault report, unless the repair requires re-
placement of constructions elements of the product;
30 days after the fault report, if the repair requires replace-
ment of constructions elements of the product;
subject to point 3 and 4 of these warranty conditions.
If, as a result of considering the warranty claim the defective prod-
uct has been replaced with new one or the significant repairs have
been made, then a new warranty period is applied counting from
the date of delivery of the replaced or repaired product. In case
when only part, belonging to the claimed product, is replaced then
new warranty period is applied only for this part. In other cases
the warranty period is prolonged by a period when the operation
of the product was impossible due to filed claim.
Registration of any physical fault to be repaired during the war-
ranty period (fault registration) should be made by the Purchaser
immediately after a fault has been found and no later than after
14 days.
Any fault is to be registered with the Guarantor (Ruda Straw-
ska 103a, 26-067 Strawczyn) by sending a complaint sheet
contained in this operating manual, filled in and stamped by an
authorized point of sale or authorized distributor. The fault regis-
tration should contain:
type, capacity, serial number, manufacturer number (the in-
formation is located on the rating plate),
date and place of purchase,
brief description of the fault,
detailed address and phone number of Purchaser.
If the following cases are complained about: incorrect combustion
in the device, tar deposits, smoking through the door; the fault
registration should be supplemented with a copy of a chimney
sweep expertise certifying that the flue meets all requirements
specified in the operating manual for a given boiler's capacity.
The Guarantor shall not be responsible for exceeding of the peri-
ods mentioned in point 9 above or the Guarantor or its represent-
atives will be ready to remove the defect within the date agreed
with the Purchaser and will not be able to carry it our due to a
reasons not attributable to the Guarantor (e.g. lack of proper ac-
cess to devices, lack of energy or water, force majeure, Pur-
chaser is not present etc.).
If the Guarantor, despite being ready to carry the repair, will not
be able to carry out the warranty repair twice because of the rea-
sons attributable to the Purchaser then it is assumed that Pur-
chaser had resigned from the claim included in the guarantee
claim. Notification about the same defect in this mode is not pos-
If the fault complained about cannot be removed and after three
repairs the product is still faulty but can be used, the Purchaser
has the following rights:
to obtain a discounted price for the product, proportionally
to the use-value of the product;
replace the product with one free of faults.
The product can be replaced if the Guarantor decides it cannot
be repaired.
The Guarantor does not accept liability for an inappropriate
choice of product with respect to the heated area (e.g. device of
too low or too high power with respect to requirements). It is rec-
ommended to choose a device with cooperation with a design of-
fice or the Guarantor. The Guarantor is not liable for loss of data
saved in the equipment and for economic losses and lost profits.
The guarantor will refuse realization of Purchaser’s claims result-
ing from this document in case when:
will state damage or ripping of leaden seals,
identification of product will be impossible (that is the con-
formity of the presented product with a document describing
the equipment, replaced or illegible documents),
damages resulting from incorrect transport carried out or or-
dered by Purchaser,
particular components of the equipment were willfully re-
placed with non-genuine, used etc., repairs outside the au-
thorized service of the Guarantor etc.
damages are mechanical, chemical, thermal and they are
not resulting from causes in the sold product.
damages concerns wearing parts, especially: screws, nuts,
handles, ceramic and sealing elements,
damages resulting from product usage inconsistently with
the operating manual, that is especially when incorrect
equipment operation resulting from lack of chimney draught
or inappropriate power of the equipment,
Faults are not significant and do not have an impact on the
use-value of the product.
This warranty does not cover:
products used for business purposes or industrial uses;
components of electrical equipment;
damages caused by the other connected equipment, de-
vices or accessories other than those recommended by the
damages occurred as a result action of external impacts,
among others: by the action of force majeure;
damages caused by animals,
Warranty repairs accepted by the Guarantor are carried out free
of charge. The guarantor can charge the costs connected with
warranty claim only in case when a claim is not accepted as a
result of stating circumstances which are listed in points 17 and
18 mentioned above.
Notification of complaint can be considered positive only in the
case of: