Color Palette
The Color Palette allows selection of a color for the Wipe Shade Matte. Click on the Color Palette to show the
currently selected color which is displayed in the square box with the RGB values on the right.
Hue, Sat and Luma values
The color of the Wipe Shade Matte can also be configured by adjusting the
Luma, Sat
values. These
values can be fine-tuned using the Function Dials located just below the Screen.
Shade Soft
This blurs or softens the boundary line (B) between the Wipe Shade Matte (area 1) and the Wipe Border Matte
(area 2).
Shade Position
The position of the boundary line (B) between the two matte wipe colors (areas 1 and 2) can be adjusted by
configuring the
Shade Position
A positive value moves the boundary line so that the Wipe Shade Matte (area 1) occupies less of the width of the
A negative value moves the boundary line so that the Wipe Shade Matte occupies more of the overall Wipe width.