CHROMA Key Functions
The Chroma Key feature of the SE-1200 MU is easy to use. Typical Blue and Green screen studios can be quickly
incorporated into an SE-1200 MU production.
First of all, we will go over some basics, and then we will describe the
Control Panel buttons
and finally
a simple
green backdrop
setup for illustration purpose. For those of you who need a quick review, the following are a few
Chroma Key basics.
A good foreground image helps generating a good key
all play an important role in producing the optimal Chroma Key result.
Although the SE-1200 MU is equipped with excellent keying controls, it is still always best to start with an optimal
keyable image.
Three Chip Camera
We strongly recommend the use of a three chip (or CCD) camera for Chroma Key shooting. The extra image clarity
and the good color separation that a three chip camera produces really do improve the quality of the subsequent
Do not mix SD and HD standards when keying