AMT58x-PB Profibus®
Class 2 functionality
Two device classes are defined in the encoder profile, one
mandatory class (Class 1) and one class with optional functions
(Class 2). This encoder implements functions of both Class 1 and
Class 2. For any information on the available encoder classes see
the section “6.2 Classes of the Device profile on page 20.
0 = Disabled = Encoder Class 1 is set.
1 = Enabled = Encoder Class 2 (or VEL) is set.
Default = 1 (min. = 0, max. = 1)
Scaling function control
When this option is disabled (0), device uses the hardware
resolution, i.e. the hardware counts per revolution and the hardware
number of revolutions, see the encoder data on the label applied to
the device; when it is enabled (1), device uses the resolution
transmitted through bytes from 11 to 18 (
Counts per revolution
Total resolution
For a correct use of this function see sections “6.4.2 Bytes 11…14“
and “6.4.3 Bytes 15…18“.
Default = 1 (min. = 0, max. = 1)
You can set new values next to the
Counts per revolution
Total resolution
items only if
Class 2 functionality
Scaling function control
= ENABLED the set resolution values are
enabled and used by the encoder; on the contrary, if
function control
= DISABLED you are allowed to set new resolution
values, however they are not enabled even if sent to the encoder: the
encoder still goes on using the default values uploaded from the
GSD file, NOT the new entered values, until you enable the
function control
Diagnostic type
0 = Reduced
= 16-byte diagnostic information
1 = Extended
= 63-byte diagnostic information
Encoder Class 1 provides only reduced diagnostic.
The meaning of each diagnostic byte is detailed in the section “6.7
Default = 0 (min. = 0, max. = 0) for Class 1
Default = 0 (min. = 0, max. = 1) for Class 2 and Class 2 (+VEL)
Exchange type
0 = Pos = device transmits only position value (Class 1 and Class 2).
1 = Pos + vel = device transmits both position and velocity values
(Class 2(+VEL)).
Default = 0 (min. = 0, max. = 0) for Class 1 and Class 2
Default = 1 (min. = 1, max. = 1) for Class 2 (+VEL)
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