3.0 Operating the Unit
3.2.6 [General]
TargetFolder = %PICTURES%\%YEAR%-
To scan barcodes, first ensure DAP-Imager is in barcode mode. To do
that, open the application (double click the icon in the notification area)
and select “Barcode” from the mode menu.
Specifies the path where the picture is to be taken.
Supported variables:
4-digit year
2-digit month
2-digit day of month
Name of the week day
2-digit minute
2-digit second
Sequential index, incremented each time a
picture is taken. The number is saved in “C:\Pro
Path of the default Windows folder to save pic
tures (C:\Users\username\Pictures)
FileNameTemplate =
Specifies the file name of images taken. Supports the same variables
than TargetFolder.
DefaultImagerMode = Portrait
Name of the imager mode to be selected when DAP-Imager starts. Notice
that if ScannerManager is present, it starts DAP-Imager in barcode mode.
Default supported values: Portrait, Landscape, Macro, Barcode
They correspond to the name of the corresponding section
FlashLightDurationMs = 10000
Number of milliseconds the flash light remains lit when its button is
clicked (any camera mode). The flash light is automatically turned off
after a delay to save power.
Func1VirtualKey = 135
Virtual key code used for the main trigger key. For the integration with
ScannerManager to work, you must use the default value (corresponds
to the trigger on back of the unit).
For other virtual-key codes, refer to the “Virtual-Key Codes” section of
the Windows Application UI Development guide. Notice that the codes
here are in DECIMAL.
Func2VirtualKey = 117
Sets the key used to force an autofocus.
For other virtual-key codes, refer to the “Virtual-Key Codes” section of
the Windows Application UI Development guide. Notice that the codes
here are in DECIMAL.
Func1KeyModifiers = 0
Determines the key that must be pressed in combination with Func-
Func2KeyModifiers = 0
Determines the key that must be pressed in combination with Func-
2VirtualKey. Use the key modifiers shown for Func1VirtualKey.
Func1KeySystemWide = 1
When set to 1, the main trigger key is registered as a global hotkey, so
that DAP-Imager captures it even if another application has the focus. Func2KeySystemWide = 0
When set to 1, the second trigger key is registered as a global hotkey, so
that DAP-Imager captures it even if another application has the focus.
3.2.7 [Camera]
Options specific to the camera modes that take a picture.
InactiveTimeBeforeStandbyLevel1 =
Number of milliseconds before the camera is stopped when the applica-
tion is in background. Waking up the camera takes a few seconds. If
you use the camera often, you may want to increase this value. Decrease
it to save power.
ActivateDapImagerOnTrigger = OFF
When in a camera mode (portrait, landscape or macro), the trigger key
is never global, except if this option is set. If set and Func1KeySystem-
Wide is 1, pressing the trigger will show up DAP-Imager. Pressing an-
other time takes a picture.
ShowImageNameOnPreview = OFF
When ON, the image file path is written on the image when the picture
is taken.
3.2.8 [Barcodes]
Options specific to the barcode mode.
EnableAutoPreview = ON
When ON, DAP-Imager shows the camera preview in a top level win-
dow while the trigger key is pressed.
PreviewWndRect = 0 0 320 240
Size of the auto preview window. Should not be changed.
UIPolicy = Legacy
Sets the way the trigger key is handled. Only the “Legacy” UI policy
is officially supported, but you may experiment with the other modes.
Works like a regular handheld scanner: press and
hold the trigger key to decode, release to cancel.
Press and release the trigger key to decode. DAP-
Imager makes MaxNbrAttempts decoding attempts.
Attempts to decode when the trigger key is released.