7.0 Bluetooth
(3) Select Specify TCP/IP addresses and enter the range of IP
addresses assigned to LAP clients.
Object Push
The Bluetooth Object Push Profile (OPP) enables users to send and re-
ceive Personal Information Management (PIM) data objects (including
messages, notes, calendar items, and business cards) to and from a Blue-
tooth enabled PDA or mobile phone.
The objects supported include:
• Contacts (*.vcf)
• Calendar items (*.vcs)
• Notes (*.vnt)
• Messages (*.vmg)
Typical Usage
• Push objects to a Bluetooth enabled mobile phone or PDA
• Receive objects from a Bluetooth enabled mobile phone or PDA
If you would like to push PIM objects to a PDA, make sure
that the PDA is ready to receive a PIM object before you start.
If necessary, enable Object Push on the PDA. For instructions,
refer the PDA’s user documentation.
Push Objects to a Bluetooth-Enabled
Mobile Phone
There are two methods to push objects:
Method 1: From BlueSoleil Main Window: Double-click on the mobile
phone or PDA icon to browse for service information. The
Object Push Service icon should be highlighted at the top
of the screen. Right click the Object Push Service icon, and
in the pop-up menu click Send My Card.
• Send My Card:
Send your default business card.
• Get Card:
Get the phone’s default business card.
• Send Objects:
Select objects (PIM files ending in .vcf, .vcs, .vnt, or .vmg)
and send them to the phone.
• Exchange cards:
Have your computer and the phone to exchange their de-
fault business cards.
Method 2: From MS Outlook:
(1) Select the contact that you would like to send.
(2) In Outlook, click on the Push button on the toolbar, or
File | Push
(3) The Bluetooth Neighbors screen will appear. In the device
list, select the phone or PDA that you wish to push the contact
to. Click on the Push button.
Receive Objects from a Bluetooth En-
abled Mobile Phone
Step 1: Configure the parameters for the object push. From the Main
Window, click My Services | Properties. Click on the Object
Push tab.
Step 2: Start the Object Push service, following the instructions in
. Do not initiate a connection, only start the service so
that your computer will be ready to receive objects.
Step 3: Send objects from the phone. For instructions, refer to your
phone’s user documentation.
• BlueSoleil creates a Bluetooth folder (with Inbox and Outbox
subfolders) in your My Documents folder for use with Object
Push. The Inbox is used to save objects received from other de-
vices. The Outbox is used to save objects sent out from your com-
• Your can set your default business card by clicking
My Services | Object Push
In the Send My Business Card field, browse to select a contact as
your default business card.
Personal Area Networking
The Bluetooth Personal Area Networking (PAN) Profile enables PCs,
laptops, PDAs, and other Bluetooth enabled devices to form either of
two kinds of PAN networks. In a Group ad-hoc Network (GN), which
functions as an isolated network, multiple PAN Users (PANUs) are
linked together via a GN controller.
Alternatively, a PAN can consist of multiple PANUs linked to a Network
Access Point (NAP), which provides access to external Local Area Net-
work (LAN) infrastructure. BlueSoleil supports all three of these device
roles — GN (controller), PANU, and NAP.
Typical Usage
• Group Ad-hoc Network (Peer-to-peer networking) — One device