7.0 Bluetooth
Access a Shared Folder on Another
Bluetooth Enabled Device
Step 1: On the remote device, designate the folder/files to share. En-
able file sharing on the remote device. For instructions, refer
to the user documentation for the remote device.
If you do not enable file sharing on the remote device,
BlueSoleil will not be able to discover the device’s file
sharing service.
Step 2: Start the FTP service and initiate the connection in BlueSoleil,
following the instructions in
Step 3: A Remote Shared Folder screen will appear, displaying shared
files/folders on the remote device, Use the screen to browse, copy, paste,
and/or delete files, depending on your folder privileges.
7.3.6 Headset
The Headset Profile enables users to use a Bluetooth enabled headset as
wireless earplug or microphone.
Typical Usage
Use Headset as a device for audio input/output.
Step 1: Connect to the Bluetooth enabled headset, following the di-
rections in
Step 2: Play music on your computer, or chat using network meet-
ing tools. You may need to press a multifunction button on
your headset to transmit audio between the computer and the
For most Bluetooth enabled headsets, after you have success-
fully connected for the first time, you can quickly reconnect
to BlueSoleil by simply pressing a multifunction button on the
Human Interface Device
The Bluetooth Human Interface Device (HID) Profile enables users to
use Bluetooth enabled HID Devices such as keyboards, mice or joysticks
to control your computer.
Typical Usage
Connect a Bluetooth enabled Mouse and a Keyboard to Your Computer
Step 1: Connect the Bluetooth enabled mouse to your computer, fol-
lowing the instructions in
Step 2: Connect the Bluetooth enabled keyboard to your computer,
following the instructions in
. Before you can use Blue-
Soleil to connect, you may need to press a button on the key-
board to make it discoverable.
• The first time the mouse or keyboard is connected to the com
puter, the Found New Hardware Wizard will automatically
launch. In the first screen of the wizard, DO NOT INSERT ANY
CD, click
• Follow all the screens until the wizard is completed. If the wiz
ard reappears, cancel the wizard. The mouse or keyboard should
be enabled.
• The Bluetooth enabled mouse/keyboard can automatically re-
connect to the computer after successfully establishing the ini-
tial connection.
LAN Access
The Bluetooth LAN Access Profile (LAP) allows users to access a Local
Area Network (LAN) via a Bluetooth enabled LAN access point.
Typical Usage
• Access a LAN via a Bluetooth-enabled LAN Access Point (AP)
• Use your computer as a LAN Access Point
— Access a LAN via a Bluetooth-enabled LAN AP
Step 1: Connect to the LAN AP’s LAP service, following the instruc-
tions in
Step 2: In the Connect Bluetooth LAP Connection dialog, enter the
user name and password if necessary. Click Connect.
— Use the computer as a LAN AP (Advanced Users Only)
Step 1: Start the Bluetooth LAN Access service on BlueSoleil, follow-
ing the instructions in
Step 2: Specify any static IP addresses necessary for LAP clients.
(Alternatively, you can use DHCP to have the system dynami-
cally assign IP addresses).
(1) In the Network Connections window, right-click Incom-
ing Connection, then select Properties (Figure 3.3).
(2) Select:
Incoming Connections Properties |
Networking -> Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
and click on the Properties button.