6.0 Summit Radio
Roam Trigger
When moving average RSSI from current AP is weaker than
Roam Trigger, radio does a roam scan where it probes for an
AP with a signal that is at least Roam Delta dBm stronger.
• Value: -50, -55, -60, -65, -70, -75, -80, -85, -90, or Custom (see
note on Custom below the list)
• Default: -70
Roam Delta
When Roam Trigger is met, second AP’s signal strength (RSSI)
must be Roam Delta dBm stronger than moving average RSSI
for current AP before radio will attempt to roam to second AP.
• Value: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, or Custom (see note on Custom
below the list)
• Default: 10
Roam Period
After association or roam scan (with no roam), radio will col-
lect RSSI scan data for Roam Period seconds before consider-
ing roaming.
• Value: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, or Custom
(see note on Custom below the list)
• Default: 10
BG Channel
Defines the 2.4 GHz channels to be scanned when the radio is
contemplating a roam and to determine what APs are available:
• Value: Full (all channels); 1,6,11 (the most commonly used
2.4 GHz channels); 1,7,13 (for ETSI and TELEC radios only);
or Custom (see note on Custom below the list)
• Default: Full
DFS Channels
Support for 5 GHz (802.11a) channels where support for
dynamic frequency selection (DFS) is required.
• Value: On, Off, Optimized
When set to Optimized and scanning for the first
time, the radio scans all active channels and all
available DFS channels. From this scan, the radio
creates and maintains a list of up to three DFS chan-
nels where beacons were detected. During subse-
quent scans, the radio still scans all active channels
but only scans the DFS channels listed from the first
scan (where beacons were detected).
When the radio loses or resets the connection, the radio re-
turns to scanning all available DFS channels as it did when
scanning for the first time after being set to Optimized. From
this scan, the radio again creates a list of DFS channels where
beacons were detected.
The Optimized setting is not supported in the MS-
D30AG and SSD30AG radios. If DFS Channels is
set to Optimized directly in the registry, the setting
will function as On (versus Optimized).
• Default: Full
DFS Scan
Because passive scanning consumes a longer period of time,
this feature enables you to determine the dwell (listen) time
when passively scanning on a DFS channel.
• Value: A number between 20-500 milliseconds (ms)
• Default: 120 ms
When decreasing the scan time (to a value lower than
the default) for DFS channels, corresponding changes
in the infrastructure’s beacon period are recommend-
ed. For optimal performance and reliability, Summit
recommends a dwell time that is 1.5 times that of the
beacon period. For example, if the DFS scan time is
set to 30 ms, the beacon period should be adjusted to
20 ms.
If you adjust this parameter directly in the registry, and
configure it to a number outside of the 20-500 ms range,
the setting value will return to the default (120 ms).
Ad Hoc Chan-
The channel to be used for an ad hoc connection if the active
profile has a Radio Mode value of “Ad Hoc”
• Value: One of the 2.4 GHz channels (1-14) or UNII-1 channels
(36, 40, 44, 48) -- If you select a channel that is not supported
by your radio, then SCU uses the default value for this setting.
• Default: 1
When this setting is On and the current connection to an AP
becomes tenuous, the radio scans for available APs more aggres-
sively. Aggressive scanning complements and works in conjunc-
tion with the standard scanning that is configured through the
Roam Trigger, Roam Delta, and Roam Period settings. Summit
recommends that the Aggressive Scan global setting be On un-
less there is significant co-channel interference because of over-
lapping coverage from APs that are on the same channel.
• Value: On or Off
• Default: On
CCX Support
Use of Cisco information element (IE) and CCX version num-
ber; support for CCX features.
• Value:
– Full: Use Cisco IE and CCX version number; support all
CCX features
– Optimized: Use Cisco IE and CCX version number; sup
port all CCX features except AP-assisted roaming, AP-spec-
ified maximum transmit power, and radio management
– Off: Do not use Cisco IE and CCX version number
• Default: Optimized
For 30AG (MSD30AG and SSD30AG) radio modules,
this parameter is disabled. The default is Optimized.
Use of Wi-Fi Multimedia Extensions, also known as WMM.
• Value: On, Off
• Default: Off
For ABGN radio modules, this parameter is disabled.
Auth Server
Type of authentication server being used for EAP.
• Value:
– Type 1: Cisco Secure ACS or another server that uses
– Type 2: A different authentication server, such as Juniper
Networks Steel Belted RADIUS, that uses PEAPv0 for
• Default: Type 1
TTLS Inner
Authentication method used within secure tunnel created by
• Value:
– Auto-EAP: Any available EAP method
• Default: Auto-EAP
PMK Caching
When WPA2 is in use, type of Pairwise Master Key (PMK)
caching to use—See the section on PMK Caching.
• Value: Standard or OPMK
• Default: Standard
When switching from Standard to OPMK, you must
initiate a suspend resume of the device. Only tapping
Commit does not cause the change to take effect.
The following radio global settings, which apply to all configuration pro-
files, can be changed in SCU: