7.0 Bluetooth
ask the BlueSoleil computer to your device list. Enter Yes and enter a
7. When the devices have successfully connected, the device icon in
the Main Window will turn green, and a green line will appear be-
tween the red ball and the device icon. A red dot will travel along the
green line from the client to the server. A signal strength icon will
also appear next to the device icon.
The BlueSoleil icon in the task tray will also turn green to indicate an
active connection.
A red check mark will appear next to the name of any device
that you have previously paired with your computer.
8. Depending on which services you are using, additional screens may
appear, and/or you may need to configure additional connection
settings (e.g., user name, password, COM port number, etc.). Refer
to the instructions in
for your specific service. After configuring
the appropriate connection settings, you should be ready to use your
9. To end a connection, in the Main Window, right-click on the icon
for a connected device. In the pop-up menu, click Disconnect.
You can only disconnect this way if your computer is acting
as a client device. If your computer is acting as a server device,
then you can disconnect in BlueSoleil by clicking:
View | Service Window
then right-clicking on the service icon. In the pop-up menu,
click Stop Service. Alternatively, you can disconnect from the
remote device.
Bluetooth Security
To modify your connection’s security settings, click:
My Bluetooth | Security
BlueSoleil offers three security levels:
(Security Mode 1, Non-secure)
No security procedure is needed for connections.
(Security Mode 2, Service level enforced security)
Authentication or Authorization is requested when a specific service
is accessed by other Bluetooth enabled devices. If two devices are
connecting for the first time, or if two devices do not have a trusted
relationship, then the same passkey must be provided on both sides
to complete the Authentication. This mode allows you to assign dif-
ferent access rights for each service supported by the server device.
(Security Mode 3, Link level enforced security)
If either of two devices is in Mode 3, Authentication is requested
whenever a link connection is initiated between two Bluetooth en-
abled devices. The passkey must be provided on both sides to com-
plete Authentication.
In Security Mode 2, the user can add each authenticated de-
vice into a trusted device list to expedite future connections.
7.3 Getting Started
AV Headphone
The AV Headphone Profile enables use of a Bluetooth enabled head-
phone to listen to high-quality stereo music played on a computer.
Typical Usage
• Listen to music using a Bluetooth enabled AV headphone.
Step 1:
Connect to the AV headphone, following the instructions in
Step 2:
Play music using media player software on your computer.
Music will transmit wirelessly to the headphone.
Basic Imaging
The Basic Imaging Profile (BIP) enables users to receive pictures from
a Bluetooth enabled digital camera, mobile phone, or other compatible
device. It also enables remote control of shooting, display, and other
imaging functions.
Typical Usage
• Control camera to take pictures
• Receive pictures sent from BIP-enabled digital devices
Step 1: Connect to the camera, following the directions in Section
7.2.4. A Bluetooth Camera Controller will appear.
Step 2: Click the button to capture the image. The captured image
will be transmitted to your computer and displayed.
Receive Pictures
Step 1: Assign the directory where you would like to save image files
pushed from the client device. Click My Services | Properties.
Click on the Basic Image Push tab. In the Set the image direc-
tory field, browse to select the file location. Click OK.
Step 2: Start the BIP service, following the directions in
Step 3: Send pictures from the remote device. For instructions, refer
to the user documentation for the remote device.
Dial-up Networking
The Bluetooth Dial-up Networking (DUN) Profile enables users to wire-
lessly dial-up to the Internet through a Bluetooth enabled modem or
mobile phone that supports the DUN Profile.