In stall ati o n an d O pe r ati o n G u i de
S m a r t R a d i a t o r P a g e | 1 2
Start by fitting the thermostat to a tap on a pipe:
Screw or insert the corresponding adapter on the valve (see figure 09 for help);
Hand-tighten the thermostat onto the adapter;
Push and hold the central control button
for approximately three seconds to
exit the installation mode and attach the thermostatic head to the valve. The letter
“M” will stop flashing and the display will turn off and on again with the
temperature of 21°C.
The antenna and alarm icons should disappear from the LCD display to confirm that
the Smart Radiator has successfully established a connection with the gateway (Fig. 10). If
you have trouble with the connection, please refer to the section 3.5.
D ow n
B u tto n
F i g u r e 1 0
D i s p l a y w it h t h e t e m p e r a t u r e o f 2 1 º
U p B u tto n
L C D D isp la y
Central Control Button