In stall ati o n an d O pe r ati o n G u i de
S m a r t R a d i a t o r P a g e | 8
Wait a couple of seconds for the learning signal to be sent between the gateway
and the module. When detected, you will hear the gateway beep meaning it has
successfully detected the Smart Radiator module. If the module is not detected, try
getting closer to the gateway or reset the device (please refer to section 3.3.
Factory reset);
Please push once on the central control button
to confirm the connection.
Note that the letter M will still flash until the mounting is completed. (point 13
Click on
Your Smart Radiator is now connected to the Active SmartHome platform. In the
last two steps of the installation wizard, you can optionally add the Smart Radiator
to a room and/or set different temperatures for specific profiles;
You can now proceed to the installation as described in section 2.4.
After the installation, please hold the central control button
until the letter
“M” disappears in order to exit the learning mode and start using it.
F i g u r e 0 6
F l a s h in g M s i g n