In stall ati o n an d O pe r ati o n G u i de
S m a r t R a d i a t o r P a g e | 1 5
With the key locking the adapter ring, turn the adapter in the shown direction (Fig.
Put back the battery cover (Fig. 14).
Factory reset
Factory reset may come more than handy if you failed to install a module. The steps to
reset your Smart Radiator are as follows:
Remove the batteries;
Insert again only one of the two AA batteries;
Keep holding the
central control button and insert the second battery minding
the polarity. Do not release the button for the next six seconds. When the reset
succeeds, the thermostat vibrates slightly and shows the flashing “M” sign;
Continue following the instructions of section 2.1 from step 07 and onwards.
F ig u r e 1 3
U n b o l t t h e a d a p t e r
F ig u r e 1 4
R e p l a c e t h e c o v e r