In stall ati o n an d O pe r ati o n G u i de
S m a r t R a d i a t o r P a g e | 1 3
The first week after the installation, the Smart Radiator module is in a learning period
where it will optimize its way of operating.
Once mounted, you can change the temperature at any time either directly through the
up/down buttons and/or remotely via the Home Control service of the Active
SmartHome platform.
To optimize the use of the battery, regular communication between thermostat and
gateway is performed at a 5-minutes interval. After having changed the temperature
value on one-end, it may therefore take up to 2 minutes to update the data on the other
end. Moreover, the thermostat’s LCD turns off after a minute in stand-by mode. Press
the central control button
to illuminate the screen, and display the temperature