In stall ati o n an d O pe r ati o n G u i de
S m a r t R a d i a t o r P a g e | 1 7
Overview of display and control buttons
Use these buttons to navigate within the menu and to adjust the temperature.
Use this button to select the menu and confirm choices.
The Smart Radiator is displaying the set temperature, not the measured room temperature.
Testing the connection
It can take some time until the connection is established. If after mounting the Smart
Radiator, you see no connection, start by waiting a few hours before making any
changes. If the problem persists, you can test the connection with the following steps
(Fig. 17).
F ig u r e 1 7 .
D e t a i l e d m o u n t i n g i n s t r u c t i o n
Figure 16.