In stall ati o n an d O pe r ati o n G u i de
S m a r t R a d i a t o r P a g e | 9
Dismounting your old thermostatic head
Please, do not forget to pair the module with the Active SmartHome platform
before installing your thermostatic head on your radiator.
Dismounting your thermostatic head will depend on its model. The illustrations below
show the steps to dismount the most frequent systems (M30 and RA). In case of trouble,
do not hesitate to contact your customer support.
Thermostatic head with M30x1.5 connection
Follow these steps to remove a thermostatic head with a M30x1.5 connection:
Open the thermostatic valve completely (i.e. turn it counter-clockwise to the
max temperature);
Slacken the nut right before the thermostatic valve. This can normally be done
by hand and not with a wrench;
out the thermostatic head from the valve (Fig. 07).
F ig u r e 0 7
H o w t o r e m o v e a n M 3 0 t h e r m o s t a t i c h e a d