Dane Technologies, Inc.
QuicKART 2000 Series
Service Manual
7105 Northland Terrace, Minneapolis, MN 55428 / 888-544-7779 / 763-544-7779 / Fax 763-544-4234
970-011 Rev. 3/1/06
QK-2000 Curtis Motor Control Diagnostic Lights
Service Bulletin — #985-006
May 1999
rev: 7/16/03
The QK2000 series machines with a 1237-3402 Curtis motor control box have a fault
light as standard equipment. At the left side of the Curtis motor controller’s label is a
3/16-inch window with the word "STATUS" written over it. This window contains a light,
which can be used to help diagnose a problem if a machine fails to operate. The
flashing will be in the form of a code with "dots" and "spaces" to identify the fault. The
" shown below is a short flash of the fault light, the "--" is a space. The fault code will
be repeated until the fault is corrected or the machine is shut down. These fault codes
are common for the 1227 controller on the QK1000/PP1000 , 1237 controller on the
PP3000, and 1235 controller on the PP3100 and PP3150.
Output fault/ Over current fault (
hardware failsafe 2 / 4
1) Short in motor or in motor wiring
2) Controller failure
EEPROM fault (
hardware failsafe 1
1) EEPROM failure or fault
Main contactor fault (
hardware failsafe 3
1) Main contactor welded
2) Main contactor driver fault
3) Main contactor coil fault
Precharge fault
1) Internal controller fault
2) Low battery voltage
Motor voltage fault (
HW failsafe
1) Motor voltage does not match throttle request
2) M1 or M2 Output shorted to B- or B+.
3) Internal motor short.
4) Controller failure
Not Used
Not Used
SRO fault
(Static Return to Off)
1) Improper sequencing of KSI,Brake,Direction inputs.
2) Wrong SRO Type selected
3) Direction switch circuit open.
HPD fault
(High Pedal Disconnect)
1) Improper sequencing of KSI, brake, throttle inputs
2) Misadjusted throttle pot
HPD fault present >5 seconds
(PROC/ Wiring Fault)
1) Maladjusted throttle
2) Broken throttle pot
3) Broken throttle mechanism
Speed Limit Pot Fault