Dane Technologies, Inc.
QuicKART 2000 Series
Service Manual
7105 Northland Terrace, Minneapolis, MN 55428 / 888-544-7779 / 763-544-7779 / Fax 763-544-4234
970-011 Rev. 3/1/06
4 (white)
+12 volts stopped. When the brake is activated, by remote, it drops
to 0 volts.
5 (red)
+12 volts whenever key switch is on.
6 (black)
ground, 0 volts.
7 (blue)
ground, 0 volts.
8 (violet)
+36 volts, to beacon light, whenever key switch is on.
9 (orange)
1 volt, goes to 36 volts whenever brake light comes on.
15-cir plug (CN-2) to curtis motor control and contactor plate assembly
1 (red)
"B+" 36 volts when key switch is on.
2 (none)
Not used.
3 (brown
) Forward, 0 volts, reverse 36 volts.
4 (orange)
36 volts when key switch is on.
5 (yellow)
Manual operation: 0 volts, Remote operation:36 volts (voltage
drops to zero when in remote mode and "stop" button is pressed on
the remote-control.)
6 (none)
Not used.
7 (green)
36 volts with key switch on, 0 volts with key switch off.
8 (none)
Not used
9 (blue)
0 to 5 volts when handle bar throttle control is operated over its
range while in manual mode
10 (none)
No connection
11 (none)
No connection
12 (violet)
1 volt, goes to 36 volts whenever brake light comes on
13 (gray)
5 volts all the time except when brake release lever is pulled out
then it drops to 0 volts
14 (white)
Brake voltage. 28 volts when machine first starts to move, drops to
16 volts about 1 second after machine remains in motion.
15 (none)
Not used.
4-cir plug (CN-1) to Motor brake release coil and switch.
QK 2000
1 (black)
connected to CN-2, pin 1, same readings (brake coil).
2 (black)
connected to CN-2, pin 14, same readings (brake coil).
3 (white)
0 volts (ground).
4 (white)
0 volts with brake lever in (normal) 12 volts with lever pulled out.
QK 2500
1 (brown)
connected to CN-2, pin 1, same readings (brake coil).
2 (blue)
connected to CN-2, pin 14, same readings (brake coil).
3 (white)
0 volts (ground).
4 (black)
0 volts with brake lever in (normal) 12 volts with lever pulled out.