W E B S T A T I O N M a n u a l P a g e 18
The Webstation master section houses all the controls for the outgoing signal and
communication signals. Individual functions are described below in sections as
shown on the front panel on the right.
The master section does not have
ledbar metering. A beautifull soft
ware metering is part of the pack
age with four meters with peak
reading ballistics. Depending on
which switch is pressed (CUE on
channels or Master Program signal.
The attack and release time con
stants are conform international
PPM standards, being 10 mSec for
attack and 1.5seconds (per20dB) for
decay. The green area of the LEDbar
is the safe area and occasionally a
red led on is no problem. The out-
put level of your Webstation is designed to be 0dBu (775mV) (“0” VU) when the 0
green LED is on.
The Non Stop switch is a very convenient function when you want
to use your mixer while you are NON STOP on-air. By activating this
switch USB channel 3 sends its signal directly to the master Cinch
outputs, making your mixer completely free for production. Two Trim
mers are available to even out any level differences between Non Stop
mode and On-Air mode to make a convenient switch between these
two modes.
The phones output (located on the front panel) automatically switch-
es between Main Program outputs and CUE from any input module or
from the Master section. Normally the left/right output is heard until a
Cue switch is activated from anywhere in the console. By pressing a CUE
switch, you will hear the associated signal rather than the left/right sig
nal in the PHONES. The software meter application switches accordingly
with this action.
We advise you to use headphones with an input impedance NO
LOWER THAN 32 Ohms to avoid mismatch or distortion. An 8-32 Ohm
set of headphones will produce distortion when cranking up the level
of the Webstation too high due to the fact that the impedance load is
too low. If you must use 8-32 ohm phones, a small power amp should
be used to power the phones. It is a load equivalent to the load that
loudspeakers normally present to power amps. The Webstation has no
power-amp built in, sorry.
The Cue reset button alongside of the Phones volume control resets all active
Cue selections in one go. So you do not have to switch them off individually.
CRM SECTION (Control Room Monitor)
The CRM control is normally fed by the master outputs. In case a CUE
switch is activated the CRM output switches automatically to the select
ed CUE signal. In case you do not want the CRM output to be switched
automatically to CUE disengage this function by deactivating the Auto
Cue. The CRM signal can also be used for an extra stereo output for
recording or a sound system.
mic channel’s CUE and the caller’s CUE and now both can talk with each
other. The Talkback level can be adjusted by the TB level control just
below the Non-Stop switch.