Vision manual page:7
2.0 Master section description
The Vision has two master modules which are completely modular.
All inputs and outputs are located on the back of the console. The paragraphs below give a
description of each module section.
2.1 Control Room Monitor Section
The Solo section is a soft switching circuit that automatically brings in the soloed channel
when a solo switch is activated. When The SIP switch is in the down position, all solo switches
on the input modules are in the stereo-in-place mode when activated. A LED indicator is
also fitted next to the SIP switch to show when a solo circuit is activated.
The master Aux solo switches do not react on the SIP switch, they shall always be AFL. ( After
Fade Listen). in the Control Room Monitor output and Headphone outputs.
Above the CRM pot, there are the two CRM signal sources. With these switches in the up
position, the CRM will monitor the stereo main outputs which is the sum of all the input
channels assigned to the master plus the group output modules.
The Vision has two dedicated unba4 dBv or -10 dBu tape return inputs which can be
wired to the outputs of stereo master machines, cassette machines, CD players, or DAT
recorders. Utilizing any of these switches enables play-back or post tape monitoring of a master
level controls the total outgoing level to the control room monitors amps.
The Vision has two CRM systems intended for use with large monitors and near field monitors
which are switchable via the
2.2 Mono output
The Vision has a separate stereo summed balanced mono output with its own level control.
The output is wired post master left/right inserts.
2.3 Oscillator section (de-luxe master module)
A single 1 kHz frequency, low distortion, phase shift type oscillator is fitted. (more frequencies
are optional)
There is a front panel accessible level control with which to adjust the oscillator for precise
alignment of the console and tape machines. The level ranges from infinity to +20 dB.
The oscillator is either routed to the stereo mix busses and Aux send busses
(ALL) or exclusively to the AUX 1 and 2 busses. This switching is coupled to the Talk back switching.
The CRM will dim 20dB when the oscillator and or Talk back is active.
2.4 Master/channel meters.
The Vision master is fitted with peak reading, high resolution, LED bar meters with attack and
release times which conform to world standards. The attack is 10msec. for a 20 dB range and the
release is 1 .5msec.
Peak reading meters give a reading 6 dB below the actual level when using a sine wave. For example, +4 dBu
at the output connectors would give a reading of -6 dB on the meter using the oscillator.