Vision manual page:26
The Vision matrix output module is capable of making a sub mix from all or some group output signals and
the left/right main output signal as well as an external input.
8.1 Matrix input control section
The 10 input level controls receive their signals from the 8 group outputs and the main left right outputs.
By turning up the level controls individually you can make a mix between several output groups and or the
main output signals.
The balanced External input is a fixed +4 dBu level input for accepting any pro audio output to be mixed
into the matrix section.
The MUTE switch is a momentary switch that controls a silent FET switch to mute the matrix output.
The FET can also be controlled by the optional MIDI mute module.
switch always receives a post fader signal before the Mute switch. A solo indicator LED is fitted
next to the solo switch.
The “The B”section is identical to the “A” section
8.2 In/output connectors.
Every group module has the following connectors at the back of the housing.
EXTernal "A/B"
input is on a stereo jack socket.
Tip = hot
Ring = cold
Sleeve = shield
The balanced
outputs are on three pin XLR's:
1 =ground hot
2 = hot (in phase)
3 = cold (out of phase)
The default setting on this output is +4dBu Adjustment from infinity to + 6dBu is
possible on the PCB.
8.3 Jumper settings/connectors
J 3/5=XLR output connector