Vision manual page:28
Effect Sends
All unused aux sends can be used to send signals to signal processors such as digital reverbs, effects processors, and
digital delays.
The aux sends are usually post-fader in order that the right balance between untreated and treated signals is maintained
however, it is possible to switch to pre-fader.
Effects Returns
In the modern recording or MIDI studios of today, there is a demand for many effect returns and inputs for MIDI related
gear. For that reason D&R has designed the Vision with stereo modules. Any unused monitor input can also be used for
returning effects. Every group module can accept two returns with equalization and aux send capabilities.
Sequence 2 - The Playback Multitrack playback
The Vision gives you a convenient way of monitoring your multitrack recorder. Put all the RET(urn) =tape switches in
their down position. Now the tape outputs are feeding the group monitor path and you can adjust the amount of
signal you desire and pan it within the stereo image.
To be able to fully use the equalizer potential of the Vision it is necessary to connect the tape outputs to the line inputs
of the input modules as well.
At the time of ordering it is however possible at the factory as an option to make internal connections between the
tape returns in the group modules and the tape return connectors on the mono input modules.
The signal will enter the module in the line mode if no jacks are inserted into the line inputs.
Sequence 3 - The Overdub Multitrack synchronizing
Overdubbing is the process of building up a recording track by track while listening to previously recorded tracks.
The Vision has a group monitor for each track of the recorder making it easy to overdub. Connected to the monitor
section of the group module, you push all tape switches (RET)down (located above the equalizer) and
do all your sync switching from the tape machine or remote. The headphone mix is on the aux send 1 & 2 busses. Aux
1 & 2 should get their signal from the monitor section. It is best to activate aux 1 – 2 pre-fader switches at anytime
you're using Aux 1 & 2 for a headphone mix.
Sequence 4 - The Remix Multitrack mixing
Remix is the process of combining all recorded tracks with (keyboards and drum machines for MIDI) signal processing
and sending the mix to a two track master machine, DAT machine, or cassette recorder.
On the input module you must push the LINE switch down (if internal wiring is ordered), otherwise you have to connect
the tape outputs to the line inputs of the mono channels. This routes the tape return to the channel input.
At this point you can use either a spare line input in the console for effect returns which will feed the stereo mix buss.
By unplugging the tape return from the group output, this input is available for effect return with a two band
You must activate the
switch if you desire EQ on the channel or monitor. The incoming signals can be routed to the
stereo mix buss via the “L/F” switch in the channel assign section. Sub groups can be made up (as required) in the same
way as during recording. Aux sends 1 - 4 (8) can get their signal from the channel path with pre / post switching.
Sequence 5 - MIDI or Virtual Tracking Virtual Tracks: The MIDI Set-Up
In most MIDI studios there will be an eight-track rather than a sixteen or twenty four track tape machine. The
majority of music production is programmed on a sequencer using MIDI keyboards, sound modules, drum machines, or
other MIDI related equipment.
Therefore, you will only require tape tracks for vocals and those instruments not adequately reproduced on today's
keyboards. If there is a multitrack recorder in the MIDI studio, one of the tracks would be used to record a time code
(SMPTE or MIDI code). This will allow your sequencer to keep keyboards, drum machines, and other MIDI equipment
The Vision was designed with the multi-track and MIDI studio in mind. In today's medium to large MIDI studio, there is a
need for as many as 100 inputs to be used for everything from tape tracks to keyboards and drum machines. For this
reason, the Vision, when fitted with both in-line modules and stereo return modules, can net over many inputs in the
virtual track session or mix down.