User Manual, Rev 01
Teledyne DALSA
Rad-icon 2329 GigE Detector
Vertical Butting Gap
Horizontal Butting Gap
FullFOV 1x1
4608 x 5890
2302, 2303
2944, 2945
FullFOV 2x2
2304 x 2945
FullFOV 1x2
4608 x 2945
2302, 2303
Binning 2x2
The detector supports 2x2 pixel binning. The butting gap appears as a pixel with zero
Trigger Mode
Free Running Mode
The detector is in Master mode. In this mode the detector will run continuously on
internal timing, no trigger input is required to initiate a frame read out. The frame
rate is determined by the time between successive frame read outs which can be set
by the “Extended Exposure” feature.
The Extended Exposure value must be chosen high enough to comply with the
bandwidth of the GigE which is around 100MByte/second.
The maximum frame rate is in Full FOV (1x1) mode 2 FPS. In Full FOV (2x2) mode
the maximum frame rate is 8 FPS. In Full FOV (1x2) mode the maximum frame rate is
4 FPS.
The frame rate is depending on GigE Bandwidth.
The trigger output indicates the X-ray active time. When a grab is started, the next
integration period will be acquired and send to the host system. If a grab is started
but the sensor is still in the integration period, this frame will be dropped and the
following frame will be send to the host system; this to avoid changes to the sensor
during the integration period (which can happen before acquiring images).
Row #
Trigger input
Trigger output
Image array readout
Frame n
Frame n+1
Detector Data out
Pixel Array
Timing diagram in Free Running mode
The sensors are read simultaneously from top/bottom to centre.
This read out method is called “butterfly read out”.
The read out time in full resolution is 125msec.
In 2x2 binning mode and 1x2 binning mode the read out time is reduced by a factor of
2, thus 62.5msec.