Network Overview & Tools
Linea Lite GigE Series Camera
Changes made with this tool may update Linea Lite GigE parameters
stored in flash memory. Do not remove power from the camera for a minimum 10
Refer to the
Teledyne DALSA Network Imaging Module
manual for more detailed information
on using this tool. As shown below, the Network Configuration tool can quickly verify and modify
certain network configuration items of the imaging system.
Run the tool from the Windows Start menu:
Start•Programs•Teledyne DALSA•Sapera
Network Imaging Package•Dalsa Network Configuration Tool
. Verify the camera appears as
a child of the NIC card it is connected to. By default, the camera is identified by its serial number if
no user defined name has been assigned.
PAUSE Frame Support
The Linea Lite GigE supports the Gigabit Ethernet PAUSE Frame feature as per IEEE 802.3x. PAUSE
Frame is the Ethernet flow control mechanism that temporarily stops data transmission on the
network. The PAUSE Frame feature can help a NIC that does not have enough buffering to handle
full-speed reception. This requires that the flow control option in the NIC property settings and the
Ethernet switch settings must be enabled.
: this problem is not as common with advances in computer bus speeds and
memory sizes. PAUSE Frame support is typically required to manage network traffic
within an Ethernet switch when multiple cameras are simultaneously used. Using
PAUSE Frame will require the user to test various values of Jumbo Frames, to
determine the best data throughput. The downside to managed network traffic is that
the Pause Frame control will reduce the absolute maximum transfer bandwidth
possible on the network.