DGS-3200 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual
Admin level.
create authen_enable method_list_name <string 15>
Create a user-defined method list of authentication methods for promoting a user's privilege to Admin level.
The maximum supported number of the enable method lists is eight.
string 15
The user-defined method list name.
You must have administrator privilege.
To create a user-defined method list for promoting a user's privilege to Admin level:
D G S - 3 2 0 0 - 1 0 : 4 # c r e a t e a u t h e n _ e n a b l e m e t h o d _ l i s t _ n a m e e n a b l e _ l i s t _ 1
C o m m a n d : c r e a t e a u t h e n _ e n a b l e m e t h o d _ l i s t _ n a m e e n a b l e _ l i s t _ 1
S u c c e s s .
D G S - 3 2 0 0 - 1 0 : 4 #
36-9 config authen_enable
Used to configure a user-defined or default method list of authentication methods for promoting a user's
privilege to Admin level.
config authen_enable [default | method_list_name <string 15>] method {tacacs | xtacacs | |
radius | server_group <string 15> | local _enable | none}
Configure a user-defined or default method list of authentication methods for promoting a user's privilege to
Admin level. The sequence of methods will effect the authencation result. For example, if the sequence is
first, then TACACS and local_enable, when a user trys to login, the authentication request will