Bluetooth Configuration
In addition to the configuration options common to all Bluetooth services, this
service also has settings that determine:
How business card requests are handled. The options are:
Never send my business card—ignore the request.
Choose a business card as needed—when prompted, select a
business card to be sent to the requester.
Always send the same business card—when a request is
received always send the same business card. When this option
is selected, a dialog box appears from within which an installed
Personal Information Manager (if more than one is installed on
this computer) and an existing business card can be selected.
Previously sent business cards—once a card is selected using
the “Always send the same business card” option, above, that
card will be added to the shortcut menu as an option.
NOTE: Previously sent business card additions to the menu are limited to ten,
after which the oldest contact will be replaced.
Where to store inbound data items, on an individual basis. Options
include (not all options apply to all items):
Do Not Accept
Any of the installed PIMs on this computer
Save to Folder
The Bluetooth Exchange Folder location—the directory on this
computer where inbound items that are not to be saved in a PIM will
be kept.
NOTE: This is also the folder where the File Transfer service stores inbound
items. If this folder is reconfigured here, it will also be reconfigured in
that service automatically.
Whether to send/receive attachments with email. Check or clear this
option, as appropriate.
Close a PIM Item Transfer connection
PIM Item Transfer connections close automatically when the data transfer is
Services > PIM