Bluetooth Configuration
Video Distribution Profile (VDP)
The Bluetooth Video Distribution Profile (VDP) application defines how a
Bluetooth enabled device streams video content using ACL channels. A
typical application of VDP is for streaming stored video playback from a PC
media center to a portable player or streaming from a digital video camera to
a TV. Users can watch streaming video playback using the DBT-1 dongle
via a PC.
VDP defines the protocol for video streaming while A2DP defines high quality
audio streaming. So, for high quality audio and video, your Bluetooth devices
should support both VDP and ADP.
Two roles are defined for this application:
VDP Source
is a device, such as a Bluetooth enabled digital video
camera, providing the source of a digital video stream for delivery to a VDP
VDP Sink
is a device, such as a Bluetooth enabled PC, receiving a digital
audio stream provided by an VDP Source.
The Bluetooth Configuration Panel > Client Applications > My Headset /
Audio Gateway > General tab provides options to configure:
The application name—to change it, highlight the existing name and
enter the new name.
Enable or disable secure connection. To enable a secure connection,
Applications >
My Headset / Audio Gateway
Conversely, a PC can also be used as an ADP Source to, for example,
transmit music to a Bluetooth headset.
The Bluetooth Configuration Panel > Client Applications > My Headset /
Audio Gateway > General tab provides options to configure:
The application name—to change it, highlight the existing name and
enter the new name.
Enable or disable secure connection. To enable a secure
connection, place a check mark in the box.