DELTA parameter in EASE Focus 2 software and maximum angles:
As seen before the DELTA parameter makes a difference (in excess or in lack of) between the desired angle and
the obtained angle to hang the system from a single point.
When we fly the system from TWO points, this parameter is very useful because we also determine the maximum
angles with which we can install it.
For example, suppose a set of 16
The system is inclined -7,27º
Vertical axis position of center of gravity is aligned with
the pick-up point number 19.
To what
maximum angle
could we tilt down the
Suppose we want to hang the system at -15°.
Let's see what happens in the software:
Indeed if we change the angle of the system to -8.63°, we see that the
pick-up point (vertical axis of center of gravity) is number 21 and
is zero.
Observe how Delta: -8.37º
This means that we lack to reach the
desired 8.37º, -17º.
In this case the system could only have a
maximum tilt: 17-8.37 = 8.63°
since no further pick-up points are available
on the
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