Proceed to assign the angles to each enclosure.
Note that the angle for the first enclosure is 0º (the security pin is positioned in the SELECT ANGLE hole
for this angle). This is the right position for it.
With the help of the
Ease Focus
software we will know the correct angle to each enclosure. This process is
similar for all the enclosures.
But first, pay attention to the silkscreen on the enclosure's side.
We can see that there are two types of lines (continuous and discontinuous), with two colors (white and
Thus, each selectable angle is matched with a hole to fix a security pin, ie, a hole presents the same type
of line and color that the angle chosen with the angle selector handle.
Therefore, if we choose an angle, we will place a security pin in the hole with the same type of line and
color (see example below).
Example: SELECT ANGLE = 7º
Example of white
continuous line
Angle selector handle
holes for
security pins
Example of blue
discontinuous line
Manual de Colgado
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Rigging Manual