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In heart rate mode, press the SEL button until the fitness
level ("FIT-LV") is displayed in the top segment.
Directly after training (wearing the chest strap), press the
SET button in order to start a 5-minute countdown. After
the countdown (=recovery phase), your heart rate and
fitness level will be displayed.
Fitness Level
Heart rate after 5 min
Level 6
> 130
Level 5
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Level 1 means that you are very fit as your heart rate has already fallen to below 100
beats/minute 5 minutes after ending training.
Level 6 means that you are not fit as your heart rate is still above 130 beats/minute 5
minutes after ending training.
In heart rate mode, press the SEL button until the calories
("CAL") are displayed in the top segment.
The metabolic rate in calories is automatically measured
when the heart rate is received in heart rate mode.
Press and hold the SET button to set the value to zero.
The CSX Heart Rate Monitor Training e-Book also provides further
information and tips for testing your fitness level.