CN-WP12F and CN-WP12N
Source and Numeric Keypads
Operations Guide - DOC. 5788A
Source and Numeric Keypads: CN-WP12F and CN-WP12N
Source and Numeric Keypads:
CN-WP12F and CN-WP12N
Functional Description
The Source and Numeric Keypads, CN-WP12F and CN-WP12N, are wall-mounted
user-interface devices designed to work with the CNX-PAD8 Professional Audio
Distribution Processor. The keypads are installed into the physical rooms of a building
to control the CNX-PAD8 and its audio source devices.
The CN-WP12F serves as the source keypad. It consists of six source selector buttons,
an ON/OFF button, a MUTE button, device transport control and volume control
buttons. The CN-WP12N is an optional numeric keypad that is used to expand the
capabilities of the source keypad. It contains a CLEAR button, an ENTER button, and
numeric digit buttons 0 through 9. The keypad is ideal for audio device functions such
as selecting a particular track number of a CD or a certain disc of a CD changer.
Both keypads are standard Cresnet devices and may be programmed as desired using
SIMPL Windows. In addition, a set of pre-programmed modules is available from
Crestron to facilitate easier programming of the keypads and the CNX-PAD8. These
modules are referred to as the CrestronHome Programming Kit and can be obtained
from the Downloads page (MACROS Library) of Crestron’s website
Physical Description
The CN-WP12F and CN-WP12N keypads are shown on the next page. Each keypad
has 12 buttons and on the CN-WP12F, the top eight buttons contain LEDs for user
feedback indicators. The SIMPL™ Windows
program determines the state of the
indicators, either off, on, or flashing. The CN-WP12N has an LED for the ENTER
button only.
The CN-WP12F is available in either ivory or white (part numbers CN-WP12FI and
CN-WP12FW, respectively). The CN-WP12N is also available in ivory or white
(CN-WP12NI and CN-WP12NW). Wall-plates are not supplied.
The CN-WP12F has standard source selector switch caps installed and a kit of custom
switch caps is provided.