Lotem 400 / Lotem 400 Quantum Family Site Preparation Guide
Air Supply Qualification Procedure
This procedure helps determine whether the customer’s air supply is adequate for
satisfactorily running the output device. It requires a measurement tool
(92-0373A) made specifically to test the output device’s air supply.
Mount the device to the end of the air hose or pipe that would normally be
connected to the output device. A few extra adapter fittings and a roll of
Teflon® tape have been included for this purpose.
Turn on the valve on the tool.
Record the results in Table on page 31.
Repeat this test two more times during the day at well-spaced intervals to
confirm that the air supply is not being compromised by other machines, and
so on.
The gauge must never fall below 90 psi at any time during the tests. If the air supply
fails to maintain this pressure at a minimum, it is below specifications for the
output device.
Filters in the air conditioning system should be able to block 60% of all 10 micron
dust particles.
Clean air is vital as an unclean environment can cause hotspots on your plates as
well as machine malfunction.
According to IEC-721-3-3,7
Name: Mechanically active substances
Class: 3S2, 7S1
Severity: Sand 30 mg/m^3
Dust (suspension) 0.2 mg/m^3
Dust (sedimentation) 1.5 mg / (m^2 X h)
Static Electricity
Humidity must be 55% ±5% to reduce the static electricity with the plates. See
Use of floor carpeting is not recommended in the Lotem 400 / Lotem 400
Quantum output device area. If carpets are used, only anti-static carpets
should be installed at the site. Carpet thickness should be up to 0.5 inch (12