In “General” and its sub-menus, “Log”, “Account” and “OnLineUser”, you can view and set some common
settings, such as the turbo step, make account setting, check the information for all current on-line users, and
search the server logs.
In “General”, you will see the following items:
Item Description
Firmware Version
Display the current firmware version of your DVR.
MAC Address
Display the MAC address.
Turbo Step
Speed up the menu selection under the AP from 1 to 10.
Ex: If the value of the turbo step is set to 5, one mouse-click will function as 5 mouse-clicks when you click
one of the buttons
in the DVR control panel.
Provide a title for this DVR. Only 15 characters are allowed.
Click “
” (Miscellaneous Control)
” (Server Setting)
“Log” to go into the
“Log” page. In the “Log” page, you can see all the logs for the network camera, such as “Power On”,
“Reset Default”, “Net Login” and “SNTP Update” … etc.
To refresh the logs, click “Reload”.
To view the earlier or later logs that are not shown in the current page, click “Prev. Page” or “Next Page”.
To clear all the logs, click “Clean”.
In “General”
“Account”, you can create a new account for login, or delete or modify the existing
account setting.
To add an account, click “New”, and fill in the following columns. Then, click “Apply” to save your
setting and create a new account.