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General information - PUFFER 

This document is intended for the installer and the end user. It must therefore be handed over to the end user or to the 
person in charge of managing the system after the system has been installed and started. 
Thermal Accumulators 


 manufactured by 

Cordivari S.r.l. are designed to be used in those heating systems intended to exploit a thermal source with a typically 
discontinuous mode. In fact, thanks to their ability to store heat they are used in heating systems operating on solid fuel 
boilers, heat pumps and solar thermal systems. manufactured by Cordivari 
In particular the installation of a Puffer combined with a solid fuel generator guarantees the following advantages: 
• Allows the generator to operate smoothly, without interruptions due to insufficient demand for energy from the heating 
system: in these conditions, rather than stopping the combustion or overheating the rooms, the generator can be 
operated continuously storing energy in storage unit. This energy will become available later when the progressive 
exhaustion of the fuel will reduce the power supplied by the boiler. The operation without any interruptions reduces 
smoke emissions and the fouling of the chimney, it protects the boiler from harmful formation of condensed tar, and 
increases the overall performance of the system.  
• It is a “thermal flywheel” for the heating system and greatly increases operator comfort, making it very similar to that of 
automatic gas/diesel systems. In fact, the energy contained in the form of hot water is automatically transferred to the 
heating system when it is needed. This ensures even a few hours of heating when the boiler is off, for example in the 
early hours of the morning. Therefore, Puffer thermal accumulators are designed to contain only primary water (so-
called “technical water”) of closed-circuit heating systems. Any use of the product other than the one stated in this 
document relieves the manufacturer of any liability and will void any warranty.  
Therefore, Puffer thermal accumulators are designed to contain only primary water (so-called “technical water”) of 
closed-circuit heating systems. As a consequence, they do not feature any anti-corrosive treatment of the surfaces 
coming into contact with water since, under standard intended operating conditions, the technical water does not 
originate any corrosive process. Any corrosive-related problem (of the surfaces in contact with technical water) cannot 
be attributed to product defects, but to product misuse. Any use of the product other than the one stated in this 
document relieves the manufacturer of any liability and will void any warranty.  
If the accumulator is connected to a biomass generator (wood, chip or pellet boiler), it is advisable to install on the return 
pipe to the generator a suitable device keeping return temperature at a constant level; such device must consist of a 
mixing valve (either motorised or automatic) to prevent the back flow inside boiler of water at too a low temperature and 
thus ensuring considerable advantages (increase of generator lifetime) thanks to the elimination of thermal shocks and 
the reduction of corrosion risks due to condensate development). 
The versions that include the presence of one or more heat exchangers allow to use the energy produced by a solar 
thermal system and in general to separate more energy sources hydraulically. 
The CTS (with Higher Heat Load) Puffers are mainly suitable to optimize the use of the energy stored through the 
thermal stratification inside the storage unit. In fact, the lower exchanger, which is positioned at the very bottom, quickly 
heats the surrounding water that, channelled by the CTS system, naturally moves up to the storage unit upper part, 
being thus immediately available for use. At the same time, the return of cold water is possible thanks to the Cordivari-
patented Labyrinth® spreader preventing it from being mixed and ensuring the separation between the hot (upper) and 
cold (lower) parts. Due to the special above-described configuration, the heat probe of the solar system on CTS Puffers 
must be compulsorily fitted on the lowest point of the storage system (1


 hose from the bottom among those devoted to 

probe connection). 

 Category identification (Directive 97/23/EC) 

According to Directive 97/23/EC the thermal accumulator object of this document are under the provisions stated in 
Article 3.3 of the Directive itself. Therefore they do not require EC marking. However, Cordivari S.r.l.  guarantees, as 
established by the Directive, a sound engineering practice (assured by the Quality System ISO 9001) which ensures 
safe operation and identification of the manufacturer. 

Installation and Maintenance 


The manufacturer's liability is limited to the supply of the equipment. Your system must be professionally made - in 
compliance with the prevailing instructions and professional regulations - by qualified staff, acting on behalf of 
companies taking the full responsibility of the whole system. The manufacturer cannot be held responsible for 
modifications made to the product without previous authorization and for the use of non-original spare parts.  
Do not touch product hot parts, such as water inlet and outlet pipes. Contact with such surfaces may lead to serious 
The handling of equipment whose weight exceeds 30 kg requires the use of suitable means of lifting and carrying. To 
this end, the containers must be handled only when empty.  
The pallet that eventually comes with the device should be removed before installation. If the insulation comes not 
mounted, please note that it must be mounted on the equipment before connecting the pipes. 
Thermal accumulators must always be installed so that they are sheltered from atmospheric conditions, on an adequate 
and solid base, verifying, before making the connections, that there is enough space for the extraction of the devices 

Содержание COMBI 1

Страница 1: ...NUAL Multi Fuel Energy Cylinders 11 NOTICE D EMPLOI Ballons Primaire 17 INSTRUCCIONES DE USO Termo Acumuladores 25 BEDIENUNGSHANDBUCH Pufferspeicher 33 INSTRUKCJA OBS UG Zbiorniki Buforowe 26 41 49 IN...

Страница 2: ...wymienniku T Max w zbiorniku buforowym C Max w wymienniku Presiune maxim acumulare Presiune maxim schimb tor T Max acumulare P Max schimb tor Maxim lis t lt si nyom s Maxim lis h cserenyom s T Max t l...

Страница 3: ...fettosit del prodotto ma ad un suo impiego improprio Ogni utilizzo del prodotto diverso da quello indicato nel presente documento solleva il costruttore da ogni responsabilit e comporta il decadimento...

Страница 4: pi lontano possibile dal serbatoio stesso Su tutti i Puffer CTS necessaria l installazione di un adeguato sistema di disaerazione automatico sfiato aria montato sulla sommit manicotto sul fondo sup...

Страница 5: ...ito chiuso e quindi non presentano un trattamento anticorrosivo delle superfici a contatto con l acqua in quanto nelle condizioni di impiego cui sono destinati l acqua tecnica non genera corrosione Ev...

Страница 6: ...mperatura del circuito primario per scongiurare il pericolo di scottature vivamente consigliata l installazione di un miscelatore termostatico sulla mandata della acqua calda sanitaria In presenza di...

Страница 7: ...peratori autorizzati alla raccolta dei materiali metallici finalizzata al riciclaggio mentre i componenti non metallici vanno ceduti ad operatori autorizzati al loro smaltimento I prodotti devono esse...

Страница 8: ...ale dei termoaccumulatori Eco Combi destinata a contenere solo acqua cosiddetta tecnica di impianti di riscaldamento a circuito chiuso La particolare conformazione dello scambiatore interno in acciaio...

Страница 9: ...a cio tende a raggiungere la temperatura del circuito primario per scongiurare il pericolo di scottature vivamente consigliata l installazione di un miscelatore termostatico sulla mandata della acqua...

Страница 10: ...o del prodotto i suoi componenti metallici vanno ceduti ad operatori autorizzati alla raccolta dei materiali metallici finalizzata al riciclaggio mentre i componenti non metallici vanno ceduti ad oper...

Страница 11: to the generator a suitable device keeping return temperature at a constant level such device must consist of a mixing valve either motorised or automatic to prevent the back flow inside boiler of...

Страница 12: ...Load CTS system correct operation inside the storage unit 4 Commissioning Before commissioning a new water system all pipes and equipment internal parts must be washed so as to prevent any residues fr...

Страница 13: ...ut to product misuse The secondary cylinder is instead thought to contain domestic hot water that warms up because the secondary cylinder is immersed in the main cylinder Any use of the product other...

Страница 14: ...from lime scale In Combi thermal accumulators these treatments become even more important and necessary because of the impossibility to control the temperature of the accumulated sanitary water In or...

Страница 15: ...ssociated with the accumulation of domestic hot water deposits stagnation formation of bacterial colonies etc and ensures optimal performance in terms of heat exchange In fact being the internal excha...

Страница 16: ...heating plants producing domestic hot water are always subject to water treatment aiming to reduce damages from lime scale In Combi thermal accumulators these treatments become even more important an...

Страница 17: surfaces en contact avec l eau technique ne sont pas attribuables la d fectuosit du produit mais un usage inad quat Toute utilisation du produit autre que celle indiqu e dans le pr sent document d...

Страница 18: ...r de pression le plus loin possible du r servoir lui m me Sur tous les Puffer CTS il est n cessaire d installer un syst me appropri de d sa ration automatique reniflard d air mont sur la partie plus h...

Страница 19: ...un traitement anti corrosion des surfaces en contact avec l eau tant donn que dans les conditions d emploi auxquelles ils sont destin s l eau technique ne produit pas de corrosion Des probl matiques...

Страница 20: ...e il est fortement conseill l installation d un mitigeur thermostatique sur le refoulement de l eau chaude sanitaire En pr sence d eau avec duret sup rieure 25 30 Fr il faut proc der un traitement ad...

Страница 21: pr pos s la collecte de mat riaux m talliques en vue du recyclage alors que les composants non m talliques doivent tre remis des op rateurs autoris s et pr pos s leur limination Si les produits son...

Страница 22: ...ons accumulateurs Eco Combi est destin contenir seulement de l eau ainsi appel e technique d installation de chauffage en circuit ferm La conformation sp cifique de l changeur interne en acier inox de...

Страница 23: ...seill l installation d un mitigeur thermostatique sur le refoulement de l eau chaude sanitaire cet gard il est conseill d utiliser le kit sp cial mis disposition par Cordivari qui permet aussi de r al...

Страница 24: pr pos s la collecte de mat riaux m talliques en vue du recyclage alors que les composants non m talliques doivent tre remis des op rateurs autoris s et pr pos s leur limination Si les produits son...

Страница 25: ...un uso inadecuado del mismo Cualquier uso del producto que no sea el indicado en este documento libera al fabricante de cualquier responsabilidad y anula cualquier tipo de garant a Si se conecta el a...

Страница 26: ...sibles de presi n instalar un reductor de presi n lo m s lejos posible del dep sito En todos los Puffer CTS es necesaria la instalaci n de un sistema adecuado de aireaci n autom tico alivio aire monta...

Страница 27: ...gua porque en las condiciones de uso a las cuales est n destinados el agua t cnica no genera corrosi n Eventuales problemas de corrosi n de las superficies en contacto con agua t cnica no se pueden at...

Страница 28: ...a del circuito primario para eliminar el peligro de quemaduras por lo que se recomienda instalar un mezclador termo est tico sobre el flujo de agua caliente sanitaria Cuando la dureza del agua es supe...

Страница 29: ...operadores autorizados para la recogida de esta clase de material para su reciclaje mientras que las dem s partes deben depositarse donde los operadores autorizados para su eliminaci n Si los product...

Страница 30: ...n particular del intercambiador interno realizado en acero inoxidable destinado a la producci n de agua sanitaria determina la eliminaci n de todos los problemas relacionados con la acumulaci n de agu...

Страница 31: ...ue se recomienda instalar un mezclador termo est tico sobre el flujo de agua caliente sanitaria En este sentido se recomienda utilizar el espec fico kit predispuesto por Cordivari que permite realizar...

Страница 32: ...operadores autorizados para la recogida de esta clase de material para su reciclaje mientras que las dem s partes deben depositarse donde los operadores autorizados para su eliminaci n Si los product...

Страница 33: ...t Etwaige korrosionsbezogene Probleme der mit dem technischen Wasser in Kontakt stehenden Oberfl chen sind nicht durch Fehlerhaftigkeit des Produkts bedingt sondern durch dessen unsachgem e Verwendung...

Страница 34: ...r und die Anlage dort wo die Gefahr von Temperaturen unter Null Grad besteht in angemessener Weise gesch tzt werden Falls die Anlage die zul ssigen Druckwerte bersteigt ist ein Druckminderer so weit w...

Страница 35: das sogenannte technische Wasser aus einem geschlossenem Heizkreislauf zu beinhalten aus diesem Grund werden die mit dem Wasser in Kontakt stehenden Oberfl chen keiner Korrosionsschutzbehandlung un...

Страница 36: ...von Temperaturen unter Null Grad besteht in angemessener Weise gesch tzt werden Da eine Temperaturbegrenzung im Ger t nicht einschr nkbar ist und diese dazu neigt sich der Temperatur des Prim rsystems...

Страница 37: ...n Entsorgungsunternehmen zur Verwertung bergeben werden w hrend die Komponenten die nicht aus Metall gefertigt sind den f r die entsprechende Entsorgung zust ndigen Unternehmen bergeben werden m ssen...

Страница 38: ...nden Aus diesem Grund ist das Hauptvolumen der Thermospeicher Eco Combi f r die Speicherung nur von Heizwasser auch technisches Wasser genannt in geschlossenen Heizungsanlagen bestimmt Die besondere F...

Страница 39: ...Weise gesch tzt werden Da eine Temperaturbegrenzung im Ger t nicht einschr nkbar ist und diese dazu neigt sich der Temperatur des Prim rsystems zu n hern ist es ratsam einen thermostatischen Mischer...

Страница 40: ...einzelnen Metallkomponenten getrennt und den daf r beauftragten Entsorgungsunternehmen zur Verwertung bergeben werden w hrend die Komponenten die nicht aus Metall gefertigt sind den f r die entspreche...

Страница 41: ...ycie produktu do cel w innych ni te wskazane w niniejszej instrukcji zwalnia producenta z wszelkiej odpowiedzialno ci i powoduje utrat gwarancji Po pod czeniu zbiornika do generatora zasilanego biomas...

Страница 42: ...duktor ci nienia mo liwie jak najdalej od zbiornika We wszystkich urz dzeniach Puffer CTS konieczna jest instalacja odpowiedniego systemu automatycznego odpowietrzania odpowietrznik zamontowanego w g...

Страница 43: ...sowania do kt rego s przeznaczone woda techniczna nie powoduje zjawiska korozji Mo liwe problemy z korozj powierzchni wchodz cych w kontakt z wod techniczn nie s spowodowane wadliwo ci produktu lecz w...

Страница 44: ...y unikn niebezpiecze stwa poparzenia zaleca si zainstalowanie mieszacza termostatycznego na dostawie ciep ej wody u ytkowej W obecno ci wody o twardo ci powy ej 25 30 Fr zalecane jest odpowiednie uzda...

Страница 45: ...kt w zajmuj cych si utylizacj materia w metalowych przeznaczonych do recyklingu a elementy inne ni metalowe nale y odda do specjalizowanych punkt w zajmuj cych si utylizacj odpad w Je eli produkty s u...

Страница 46: ...znego wymiennika ze stali nierdzewnej s u cego do produkcji ciep ej wody powoduje usuni cie wszystkich problem w zwi zanych z gromadzeniem ciep ej wody u ytkowej osad stagnacja tworzenie kolonii bakte...

Страница 47: ...piecze stwa poparzenia zaleca si zainstalowanie mieszacza termostatycznego na dostawie ciep ej wody u ytkowej W niniejszym sensie zaleca si u y specjalnego zestawu przygotowanego przez Cordivari kt ry...

Страница 48: ...kt w zajmuj cych si utylizacj materia w metalowych przeznaczonych do recyklingu a elementy inne ni metalowe nale y odda do specjalizowanych punkt w zajmuj cych si utylizacj odpad w Je eli produkty s u...

Страница 49: ...IT_ML_DEF doc Pagina 49 di 100 GR 1 PUFFER PUFFER PUFFER 1 e PUFFER 2 PUFFER 1 CTS e PUFFER 2 CTS Cordivari S r l Cordivari Puffer Puffer o Puffer o Puffer CTS CTS Labirinto Cordivari Puffer CTS 1 2 9...

Страница 50: ...BS_100_Rev_02_07 2014_PUFFER COMBI ECOCOMBI_IT_ML_DEF doc da from BTHP 761 pag 50 100 GR 30 Puffer CTS CTS 4 5 6 7...

Страница 51: ...ev_02_07 2014_PUFFER COMBI ECOCOMBI_IT_ML_DEF doc Pagina 51 di 100 GR 1 COMBI COMBI 1 2 3 XC WC VT Cordivari S r l Combi Combi 2 Combi 3 1 2 Combi Eco Combi 2 97 23 97 23 3 3 CE Cordivari S r l ISO 90...

Страница 52: ...BS_100_Rev_02_07 2014_PUFFER COMBI ECOCOMBI_IT_ML_DEF doc da from BTHP 761 pag 52 100 GR EN 1487 2002 25 30 Fr 4 5...

Страница 53: ...BS_100_Rev_02_07 2014_PUFFER COMBI ECOCOMBI_IT_ML_DEF doc da from BTHP 761 pag 53 100 GR 6 7 1 5 bar 8...

Страница 54: ...014_PUFFER COMBI ECOCOMBI_IT_ML_DEF doc Pagina 54 di 100 GR 1 ECO COMBI ECO COMBI 1 2 3 ECO COMBI 2 DOMUS Cordivari S r l ECO COMBI Aisi 316L 1 4404 2 3 Combi Eco Combi o 2 97 23 97 23 3 3 CE Cordivar...

Страница 55: ...BS_100_Rev_02_07 2014_PUFFER COMBI ECOCOMBI_IT_ML_DEF doc da from BTHP 761 pag 55 100 GR 30 EN 1487 2002 Cordivari 25 30 Fr 4...

Страница 56: ...BS_100_Rev_02_07 2014_PUFFER COMBI ECOCOMBI_IT_ML_DEF doc da from BTHP 761 pag 56 100 GR 5 6 7 8...

Страница 57: ...a oric rei forme de garan ie Dac se conecteaz rezervorul de acumulare la un generator cu biomas cazan pe lemne a chii de lemn sau pele i este recomandat s instala i pe returul la generator un dispozit...

Страница 58: ...trivit de dezaerare purjare aer montat n partea de sus man on pe baza superioar pentru a asigura func ionarea corect a sistemului de Sarcin Termic Superioar STS din interiorul rezervorului de acumular...

Страница 59: ...arece n condi iile de utilizare pentru care au fost concepute apa tehnic nu genereaz coroziune Eventualele probleme de coroziune a suprafe elor de contact cu apa tehnic nu sunt provocate de o defec iu...

Страница 60: ...evita poten ialele depuneri provocate de ape dure sau coroziunea produs de apa agresiv n general n instala iile de producere a apei calde sanitare mereu se efectueaz tratarea apei cu tendin a de a li...

Страница 61: ...producerii de ap sanitar determin eliminarea tuturor problemelor legate de acumularea de ap cald sanitar depozite stagnare form ri de colonii de bacterii etc i asigur performan ele optime referitoare...

Страница 62: ...tala iile de producere a apei calde sanitare mereu se efectueaz tratarea apei cu tendin a de a limita daunele datorate depunerilor de calcar n termoacumulatoarele combinate astfel de tratamente devin...

Страница 63: ...tort s a gener tort biomassza gener torra csatlakoztatja f val faapr t kkal vagy pellettel m k d kaz n akkor aj nlatos a gener torhoz a visszamen vonalon egy motoros vagy automatikus kever szelepb l l...

Страница 64: ...nyom scs kkent t a tart lyt l lehet legmesszebb Az sszes puffer CTS tetej re a fels v g karmanty ja telep tsen megfelel automatikus l gtelen t rendszert l gny l s hogy biztos tsa a CTS Fels H terhel...

Страница 65: ...thet k vissza A m sodik egys get viszont a HMV t rol s ra k sz tett k amely az rt melegszik fel mert a f egys gbe van mer tve A term k jelen dokumentumban meghat rozott c lj t l elt r minden felhaszn...

Страница 66: ...a HMV t l trehoz berendez sek vannak v zk k pz d s miatti lerak d st cs kkent kezel sek ez a h t rol kban m g fontosabb szerepet j tszik mivel a t rolt v z h m rs klete nem szab lyozhat Ahhoz hogy a...

Страница 67: ...k sz lt vezet kb l ll minden HMV ig ny kiel g t se eset n a haszn lt v z kicser l dik amely val s higi nikus el ny kkel j r A term k jelen dokumentumban meghat rozott c lj t l elt r minden felhaszn l...

Страница 68: ...t rol kban m g fontosabb szerepet j tszik mivel a t rolt v z h m rs klete nem szab lyozhat 25 30 Fr rt kn l kem nyebb v z eset n aj nlatos vegyi kezel s a HMV berendez s bemenet n l hogy elker lje a...

Страница 69: ...COMBI ECOCOMBI_IT_ML_DEF doc Pagina 69 di 100 RU 1 PUFFER PUFFER 1 PUFFER 2 PUFFER 1 CTS PUFFER 2 CTS Cordivari S r l Cordivari Puffer CTS CTS Cordivari Labirinto Puffer CTS 1 2 97 23 CE 97 23 CE 3 3...

Страница 70: ...BS_100_Rev_02_07 2014_PUFFER COMBI ECOCOMBI_IT_ML_DEF doc da from BTHP 761 pag 70 100 RU 30 CTS CTS 4 5 6 7...

Страница 71: ...v_02_07 2014_PUFFER COMBI ECOCOMBI_IT_ML_DEF doc Pagina 71 di 100 RU 1 COMBI COMBI 1 2 3 XC WC VT Cordivari S r l Combi Combi 2 Combi 3 Combi Eco Combi 2 97 23 CE 97 23 CE 3 3 CE Cordivari S r l ISO 9...

Страница 72: ...BS_100_Rev_02_07 2014_PUFFER COMBI ECOCOMBI_IT_ML_DEF doc da from BTHP 761 pag 72 100 RU EN1487 2002 25 30 Fr 4 5 6...

Страница 73: ...BS_100_Rev_02_07 2014_PUFFER COMBI ECOCOMBI_IT_ML_DEF doc da from BTHP 761 pag 73 100 RU 7 1 5 8...

Страница 74: ...PUFFER COMBI ECOCOMBI_IT_ML_DEF doc Pagina 74 di 100 RU 1 ECO COMBI ECO COMBI 1 2 3 ed ECO COMBI 2 DOMUS Cordivari S r l ECO COMBI Aisi 316L 1 4404 2 3 Combi Eco Combi 2 97 23 CE 97 23 CE 3 3 CE Cordi...

Страница 75: ...BS_100_Rev_02_07 2014_PUFFER COMBI ECOCOMBI_IT_ML_DEF doc da from BTHP 761 pag 75 100 RU 30 EN1487 2002 Cordivari 25 30 Fr 4 5...

Страница 76: ...BS_100_Rev_02_07 2014_PUFFER COMBI ECOCOMBI_IT_ML_DEF doc da from BTHP 761 pag 76 100 RU 6 7 8...

Страница 77: ...koliv form Pokud akumul tor p ipoj te ke zdroji tepla na biomasu kotel na d evo t pku nebo pelety doporu uje se ke zp tn mu veden do zdroje tepla p ipojit vhodn za zen pro udr ov n teploty zp tn ho ve...

Страница 78: ...pojka na horn m ele aby byla zaru ena spr vn funkce syst mu CTS uvnit akumul toru 4 Uveden do provozu Nezapome te e p ed prvn m uveden m nov ho za zen do provozu je nutn kompletn propl chnout cel vni...

Страница 79: ...lou k akumulaci tepl u itkov vody oh van d ky tomu e se sekund rn komora nach z uvnit hlavn komory Ka d pou it v robku kter se odli uje od specifikac uveden ch v tomto dokumentu zbavuje v robce jak ko...

Страница 80: ...nat mi usazeninami v kombinovan ch tepeln ch akumul torech jsou tato o et en je t d le it j proto e nelze dit teplotu akumulovan u itkov vody Aby nedoch zelo k ne douc m galvanick m ink m je nutn v dy...

Страница 81: ...v konnost z hlediska v m ny tepla Jedn se toti o v m n k tepla skl daj c se ze souvisl ho seku ebrovan trubky kde je p i ka d m odb ru tepl u itkov vody zaru ena v m na u itkov vody uvnit tohoto v m n...

Страница 82: ...enat mi usazeninami v kombinovan ch tepeln ch akumul torech jsou tato o et en je t d le it j proto e nelze dit teplotu akumulovan u itkov vody P i pou it vody o tvrdosti vy ne 25 30 Fr se doporu uje p...

Страница 83: jungties atitinkam tais gr tamojo srauto temperat ros i laikymui sudaryt i mai ymo vo tuvo motorizuoto ar automatinio kad b t i vengta per emos temperat ros vandens gr imo katil ir taip gaunant dau...

Страница 84: ...Eksploatacija Atmintina kad prie pradedant eksploatuoti nauj vandens tiekimo rengin b t tikslinga atlikti visapusi k vidaus vamzdyn bei rangos plovim kad b t u tikrintas purvo ir kit ne varum liku i...

Страница 85: ...amintojas neprisiima atsakomyb s u rengin ir jam negalioja jokia garantija jei is renginys naudojamas kitaip nei nurodyta iame dokumente Jei akumuliatorius jungiamas prie biomas s generatoriaus katilo...

Страница 86: ...ima Siekiant i vengti galimo galvanini srovi i lyd io renginius visada b tina TINKAMAI EMINTI 4 Eksploatacija Atmintina kad prie pradedant eksploatuoti nauj vandens tiekimo rengin b t tikslinga atlikt...

Страница 87: ...s Vidin ilumokait sudaro nesibaigiantis rauk linio vamzd io kanalas taigi kiekvien kart pasi alinant kar tam buitiniam vandeniui u tikrinama kad buitinis vanduo ilumokaityje pasikeis ir tai akivaizd i...

Страница 88: ...yra dar svarbesni nes buitinio vandens sankaup temperat ros reguliuoti negalima Kai vandens kietumas vir ija 25 30 Fr rekomenduojama chemin mis med iagomis tinkamai apdoroti buityje naudojam vanden k...

Страница 89: ...ol na biomasu kotol na drevo tiepku alebo pelety odpor a sa nain talova na spiato ke do kotla vhodn zariadenie pre udr iavanie teploty v spiato ke ako je zmie avac ventil motorizovan alebo automatick...

Страница 90: ...o automatick ho odvzdu ovacieho syst mu na vrchu v vod na hornej asti aby sa zaistil spr vny chod syst mu CTS vy tepeln v kon v z sobn ku 4 Uvedenie do prev dzky Pripom name e pred uveden m nov ch roz...

Страница 91: ...adnosti zariadenia ale v d sledku jeho nespr vneho pou itia Sekund rna n dr je ur en pre itkov vodu ktor sa ohrieva v aka tomu e sekund rna n dr je ponoren do hlavnej n dr e Ak ko vek in pou itie v ro...

Страница 92: ...y ajne je voda v zariadeniach na ohrev itkovej teplej vody upravovan tak aby sa obmedzili kody sp soben usadzovan m v penca V kombinovan ch tepeln ch z sobn koch je t to prava e te d le itej ia kv li...

Страница 93: ...jen s akumula nou pr pravou teplej itkovej vody usadeniny stagn cia tvorba bakteri lnych kol ni at a zabezpe uje vynikaj ci v kon z h adiska tepelnej v meny Ke e ide o vn torn v menn k ktor tvor jeden...

Страница 94: ...s relat vne vzdialen od z sobn ka Zvy ajne je voda v zariadeniach na ohrev itkovej teplej vody upravovan tak aby sa obmedzili kody sp soben usadzovan m v penca V kombinovan ch tepeln ch z sobn koch j...

Страница 95: ...javitev vseh vrst garancije e hranilnik toplote pove ete generatorjem na biomaso kotel na drva sekance ali pelete je priporo ljivo na povratni vod generatorja namestiti tudi ustrezno napravo za ohranj...

Страница 96: ...a biti pritrjen na vrhu spojna cev na zgornjem dnu saj tako omogo a pravilno delovanje sistema zgornje toplotne obremenitve CTS ki se nahaja v notranjosti naprave 4 Zagon naprave Preden vodovodno napr...

Страница 97: ...rna prostornina pa je namenjena za shranjevanje sanitarne vode ki se segreva s tem ko je sekundarna prostornina potopljena v glavno prostornino Vsaka druga na uporaba izdelka od navedene v tem dokumen...

Страница 98: ...plote je to e toliko bolj pomembno saj temperature akumulirane sanitarne vode ni mogo e nadzirati Za prepre itev morebitnih u inkov uhajavih galvanskih tokov je vedno potrebno urediti USTREZNO OZEMLJI...

Страница 99: ...iz neprekinjenega voda narebrene cevi je ob vsakem odvzemu tople sanitarne vode zagotovljena zamenjava same sanitarne vode v notranjosti izmenjevalnika z o itnimi higienskimi prednostmi Vsaka druga na...

Страница 100: ...ati e trdota vode presega 25 30 Fr je na vstopu v obtok sanitarne vode potrebno vgraditi ustrezen sistem za kemi no obdelavo vode S tem se prepre i morebitni nastajanje oblog ki jih povzro a trda voda...
