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Cod. 1910000001165 - nv01
The product must always be installed in a closed environment protected
against atmospheric agents, on a perfectly vertical wall able to withstand the
product weight and its content without increasing noise or vibration levels.
• Check that there is enough space to extract the upper covering, the
heating element and the magnesium anode.
• Prepare a minimum free space as indicated in the figure, in order
to allow carrying out installation and standard and extraordinary
maintenance operations.
• In addition, prepare the space necessary for air ducts, hydraulic safety
devices, electrical and hydraulic connections.
• It is recommended to install the appliance as close as possible to the
points of use in order to limit heat loss along pipes.
• Ensure that the technical room, where the product will be located, has
openings of sufficient size allowing them to be freely positioned and
aimed outside without having to operate demolitions of any kind. The
warranty does not cover any costs arising from defaults at this point.
• Ensure that the volume of the technical room, where the product will
be located is such that, in case of leakage of the entire charge of the
refrigerant, the density of the latter (kg/m
) does not exceed the limits
provided by law (see refrigerant gas type and amount on the nameplate).
86 cm
30 cm
If the unit is used without any exhaust air duct, check that the volume of
the technical room is not lower than 20 m
. The warranty does not cover
any malfunctions arising from defaults at this point.
• If air ducts are to be used, check that the air intake-exhaust place
can be reached from the chosen installation place using pipes whose
length does not exceed the recommended one, starting from the
product’s air vents.
• Ensure that the technical room, where the product will be located,
fulfils the compliance requirements with the current standards and
that the place chosen for installation is compatible with the product’s
IP degree (protection against penetration of fluids) according to the
current standards.
• Do not position the unit in rooms where
- dusts, flammable gases, acid, aggressive and corrosive substances
that could permanently damage components are present or may be
sucked in (even through ducts).
- drops in temperature and other conditions posing the risk of ice
formation are foreseeable.
- appliances requiring air for their operation (such as boilers or gas
water heaters with open chamber) are present
- the air and the noise produced by the appliances can cause
disturbances (e.g.: bedrooms)
• Ensure that it is possible to make a connection for drainage (discharge)
at the point chosen in the product’s installation room.
• Prepare a connection for the drainage (discharge) of safety devices
suitable for the volume of the boiler, to which also the condensate drain
is to be connected. The warranty does not cover any costs arising from
defaults at this point.
• Check that a 220-240 Volt ~ 50 Hz single-phase power supply is
available at the point chosen in the product’s installation room
• Do not expose the appliance to sunlight, neither directly nor through
Check the electrical and hydraulic systems to ensure
they comply with the current regulations.
Check that the electrical system is suitable for the maximum
power absorbed by the water heater and that the mains
voltage complies with the value on the appliance’s nameplate.