ARM Technologies
Media Processing Engine (MPE-NEON)
The Media Processing Engine (MPE-NEON) is a single instruction multiple data (SIMD) instruction set that provides flexible and powerful
acceleration for media and signal processing applications. Support for a wide range of multimedia codecs with fewer cycles helps in enhancing
user experience. NEON is used for multimedia data processing.
Jazelle DBX
The Jazelle is an instruction set that introduces technological infrastructure for running java codes faster than the software based java virtual
machine. The Jazelle DBX (Direct Bytecode eXecution) enabled cores execute the majority of Java bytecodes in hardware. No modification
is required in the application code to take advantage of this technology. To configure and turn on the Jazelle DBX, the software support code
needs to be integrated into a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Contact ARM for further information on how to obtain the software support code.
The ARM TrustZone technology is a security extension that provides additional dedicated security to a System on Chip (SoC). This technology
aims to provide a framework that enables a device to counter many of the specific threats that it will experience. The security of the system
is achieved by partitioning all of the SoC’s hardware and software resources so that they exist in one of two worlds - the secure world (more
trusted) and the normal world (less trusted). The memory and peripherals are then made aware of the operating world of the core and may use
this to provide access control to secrets and code in the device.
Floating Point Unit
The Floating Point Unit (FPU) provides significant acceleration for both single and double precision scalar Floating-Point operations. It provides
industry leading image processing, graphics and scientific computation capabilities. The FPU provides an optimized solution in performance,
power and area for embedded applications and high performance for general purpose applications.