Condair TE
Remote Controller (with Humidistat)
Finding the Humidifier that Activated an Alarm
Increasing/Decreasing the Water Supply Volume (DIP Switch Settings)
Enabling Interlocking Operation with External Equipment
Enabling External Signal Outputs (DIP Switch Settings)
Remote Starting and Stopping via External Signal Input (DIP Switch Settings)
Configuring the Remote Controller
Alarm Settings (for multiple units)
Changing the Humidity Setpoint with the Remote Controller
Changing the Humidity Detection Sensitivity
Checking the Current Settings on the Remote Controller
Checking the Units Connected to the Controller
Factory Reset the Remote controller (to default)
Default Settings (Remote Controller)
Removing the Drain Pan Water Release Cap and Water Leakage Sensor
Removing the Drain Pan and Humidification Module
Removing the Water Supply Strainer
Cleaning the Humidifier Filter
Flushing the Water Supply Piping