Condair TE
Table 7: Checking the setup with the remote controller
Light Combination
Power [ON] & Low fan [ON]
Humidity level detection using an external humidistat (not in the remote controller).
Power [ON] & Low fan [OFF]
Humidity level detection using the humidistat built into the remote controller.
Power [ON] & Dryer [ON]
Interlocking operation with external equipment.
Power [ON] & Dryer [OFF]
No interlocking operation with external equipment.
Power [ON] & Alarm [ON]
Humidity detection sensitivity set to low.
Power [ON] & Alarm [OFF]
Humidity detection sensitivity set to high.
b. After 10 seconds, the power light will turn off and the humidification light will illuminate for 10
seconds. During this time, other lights on the remote controller will illuminate. Refer to the com
Table 8: Checking the humidity setpoint with the remote controller
Humidity Setpoint
- light off
○ light on
Light Combination
35 % RH
40 % RH
45 % RH
50 % RH
55 % RH
60 % RH
65 % RH
70 % RH
Checking the Units Connected to the Controller
To check the number of units connected to a controller:
1. Ensure that all lights on the controller are off.
2. On the remote controller, press and hold the STOP button
the FIND button for 3 seconds.
The humidification light will blink the same number of times there are units connected to the controller.
This process will repeat 3 times before the lights turn off. For example, 5 blinks for 5 units, repeated
three times for a total of 15 blinks during the check.