Product Overview
Condair TE
Product Overview
The Condair Ceiling Mounted Evaporative Humidifier is a ceiling-embedded cassette humidifier that directly
humidifies the room. Each unit is installed inside the ceiling (or in an open ceiling) with a decorative cover
that can be opened and closed easily for maintenance. Each unit operates independently and provides
reliable performance that is not affected by the system settings of the air conditioner (temperature, air
flow, etc.).
Figure 1: Components
Functional Description
Supply water passes through the supply header and is dripped evenly across the Humidification module.
Water drips downward through the media. Supplied air passes through the cassette where it evaporates
water on the surface of the media to create humidified air. Water that has not evaporated continues to
flow down the media where it picks up any dust and other debris, and drips onto the drain pan.
Figure 2: Functional Description
When operation is initiated via pressing of the operation button or an external command signal input,
when the humidistat is turned ON, and in other such situations, the fan will remain OFF at the start of
humidification operations and water will be continuously supplied to wet the humidification module which
washes away odour-causing elements and similar brought in via the supply water. This initial supply
water intake process lasts for 10 minutes.
After initial supply water intake, the unit will switch to intermittent water supply (time sharing system, or
TSS), the fan will begin operating and humidification will start.
Water droplet
collection panel
Drain pan
Water supply
Supplied air
Humidified air
Water supply hose
Terminal block
Control unit
Float switch
Check valve
Water supply hose
(including orifice for controlling flow rate)
Water supply filter
Pressure regulator
Water shutoff valve
Water solenoid valve
Humidified air
Drain pan
Water supply
Supplied air
Level sensor