Tolls/Highways/Unpaved: Select to choose any of these types of roads.
A tick on the icon means that this type of route won’t be used for the automatic
calculation of the route.
Re-calculation: Although TwoNav is configured with the most suitable relation for
most cases, you may select the time or distance from the programmed route before it
is considered that you are not following it and it is recalculated, adapting it to the
present position.
Speed limit
This section gives you options related to the speed alerts and traffic radars and can be set
according to your preferences:
Set a speed limit:
the speed limit of each particular road will be considered by default,
but you can set a fixed speed limit disregards the limit of each road.
Speed alert:
If you wish TwoNav to let you know when you drive over the established
speed limit, you may choose among the different alert types, such as a speed limit icon, a
visual alert or a visual alert plus an audible alert, or on the contrary, choose that it does
not inform of it.