floppy drive
diskette drive
flow chart, ASR-2 3-54
front bezel
part number 1-3
removing 2-4
removing, illustrated 2-4
replacing 2-4
grounding techniques 2-1
hard drives
18.2-GB Wide Ultra SCSI, part number 1-4
4.3-GB Fast-SCSI-2, part number 1-4
4.3-GB Fast-Wide SCSI-2, part number 1-4
4.3-GB Wide Ultra SCSI, part number 1-4
4.3-GB Wide Ultra, part number 1-4
9.1-GB Fast-SCSI-2, part number 1-4
9.1-GB Wide Ultra SCSI, part number 1-4
9.1-GB Wide Ultra, part number 1-4
bay location, illustrated 2-9
cable folding and routing 2-14
position in bay 2-9
test error codes 3-25
Health Driver, description 3-53
additional sources viii
Compaq Download Facility viii
Compaq telephone numbers viii
Compaq website address viii
http://www.compaq.com viii
I/O fans
accessing 2-8
part number 1-3
removing 2-17
removing, illustrated 2-17
replacing 2-17
IDE/CD-ROM signal cable, specifications 5-6
Illustrated Parts Map, part number 1-4
access panels
left side, removing 2-5
top, removing 2-8
U-channel, removing 2-7
battery, installing 2-27
bezel, front, removing 2-4
cable folding and routing 2-13
CD-ROM drive, bay location 2-9
CD-ROM drive, removing 2-11
rear panel 4-1
riser board 4-3
system board 4-2
DIMM sockets 2-23
DIMMs, removing 2-24
diskette drive
bay location 2-9
cable folding and routing 2-13
drive cage, removing 2-10
drive positions 2-9
expansion board slots 2-15
external battery jumper location 4-7
fan, removing 2-17, 2-18
feet, removing 2-6
front bezel, removing 2-4
hard drive bays 2-9
hard drive cable folding and routing 2-14
I/O fans, removing 2-17, 2-18
ISA slots 2-15
left side access panel, removing 2-5
memory sockets 2-23
memory, removing 2-24
NIC LEDs 4-9
parts, exploded view 1-1, 1-2
PCI slots 2-15
power LEDs, location 4-8
power supply, removing 2-26
power switch, removing 2-19
processor fan, removing 2-18
processor power module, removing 2-22
processor retention bracket, removing 2-21
rear panel connectors 4-1
removable media bays 2-9
riser board components 2-15
riser board, removing 2-16
SCSI drive, bay location 2-9
system board, DIMM sockets 2-23
tape drive, bay location 2-9
top access panel, removing 2-8
U-channel access panel, removing 2-7